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• 3rd POV •

An unbearable pain shot through the girl's head, a raspy feeling had made it's home within her throat, and her body felt as if it was completely made of lead. She couldn't move for the first ten minutes of being awake, unable to even get her eyelids to open because of the sun that was pouring in through the curtains.
She laid in bed, having to recall the bitter moments of the previous night. Most of it becoming a blur as the alcohol consumption grew with every passing minute.

Embarrassment was the first emotional to take over her body as she groaned in a mixture of pain and embarrassment for the family and herself. Then she remembered yelling at Emiko, which caused another groan to pass her lips, the only part of her that willingly moved.
It wasn't long before she remembered Kei being in her apartment, to which she shot up and forced her eyes open, looking around the bedroom. Instead she found a note over a plate of covered up food and tall glass of water.

Yuri quickly picked it up and her eyes scanned through the small sticky note.

Don't call me. Talk to Tadashi. ~Tsukishima.

That was it, nothing on the back, nothing else just those six empty words that pained Yuri to read. But at this point the alcohol no longer made her face feel weightless, no longer controlled her brain that could move those facial muscles.
She sat in bed staring at the note, wanting to cry but she couldn't, she couldn't even force herself to do it.

Knock Knock.

She hurried out of bed, ignoring the dizzy spell she was instantly slapped with. She ran towards the front door and pulled it open, hoping that Kei came back but she grew embarrassed to see it was Mr. Tsukishima.
He looked at her, seeing her hair a mess and she was wearing a large t-shirt and shorts, a bit of drool still stained her cheek.

An unpleasant look settled on his own face.

"Get ready, we need to talk."

Her mouth opened but nothing came out, her voice no longer coming from her sore throat. But to be fair she just woke up.
She closed her mouth, bowing and letting him enter the clean apartment before she went into her bedroom.

After getting changed into more appropriate clothes, she hesitated leaving the room. That window is looking real nice. She stared at the window before growing what little courage she could muster and leaving her safe haven.

'Coffee?' She held up the notebook. She only offered because she personally wanted it to wash the hangover away.

"Please." He stood, following her into the dimly lit kitchen. "No sugar or creamer."

'Yes, sir.'

She set the kettle on as she waited for the water to boil she got the instant coffee from the cabinet, slightly wishing that she had gone for the more pricey stuff that Kei always suggested. It did taste better but she didn't think paying 15 extra yen was worth it.
She quickly made two mugs of coffee, glancing at Mr. Tsukishima who was looking through his phone, texting someone.

"Have you spoken to Kei about the situation?" He turned off his phone and set it to the side.

Yuri set the mugs down and picked up her pen and notebook, the scratching irritated her as much as it probably did Mr. Tsukishima.

'No, not yet. He doesn't want me to contact him anymore.'

He hummed. "Kei's an idiot."
She looked at him, feeling surprised on the inside and hoping that maybe on the outside.

"Now that he knows, due to your recklessness and mistakes, I'm guessing this break is now really a break up."

Her eyes traveled down to the light brown liquid in her mug, fingers running around the rim of the mug. 'Yes, sir.'

"You're still welcome to work with my company, since you still have to pay off the apartment and everything else." She couldn't reply, wanting to thank him. "I know you're a proud girl, Yuri. Why you chose to drink so much, underage? I will never understand, nor will I chosose to dig into it any further."

'Thank you.'

"I want you to make me one promise."

Again, she looked up at him. "Do not ruin your life with alcohol or drugs."


"The modeling world is not a safe place for young girls and I want you to be safe. If anyone, at all comes to you with a proposition, you will decline and report it."

'Yes, sir. I promise.'

He nodded. "I've adjusted your schedule, now that Kei knows we don't have to keep it hidden and I've talked to my wife who thinks you'll be better suited in these departments.."


"You can still keep your old desk, Miss. Nakamura will still be your mentor and I will also assign you to Akiteru so you're free to ask either of them any questions. I will be going back to traveling, which means you'll be under both of my son's, assisting them when needed."

He continued to explain everything while she half listened, not really trying to zone out as it just happened.

She wasn't sure what to do about the break up, before Mr. Tsukishima showed up it hadn't even hit her that she and Kei were no longer together. Him distancing himself from her was obviously the best thing to do but it still stung a bit, working was going to be the best distraction from all of this.
That little thing that was only supposed to be a break until she could fully pay his father back, now turned into doing it just for the sake of getting out of her toxic household.

In the end, it didn't matter if she had Kei or Kōshi or Diachi. Or the volleyball boys. She didn't need Emiko to be her friend in order to work around everyone.
She only wanted one person, she cared too much for him to ruin her life anymore than she already had.


After an hour of discussion, Mr. Tsukishima left and Yuri sat alone once again in her living room. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door, she opened it it to see the freckled boy standing with a soft smile and a bag of food.

"Want to talk about it?" She shrugged. "Whatever you want Yuri."

"Thank you, Tadashi." She allowed him in, closing the door behind them. "I want to cry."

   Tadashi knew that much, he also knew that her body wouldn't allow it so he opened his arms and instantly the girl hugged him.

   "It hurts."

   "I know."

Words; 1,200

   She didn't eat the food Kei made her, mainly because she didn't know how long it had been out for and she didn't trust his cooking.


    I want to delete this! But I know some people don't like that, but this story is so long and I'm kind of over it.
   I don't know what to do... I think I'll just stop writing it?

   Anyways drink water, eat something and take care of yourself 🤍


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