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ʚ|| Yuri's POV ||ɞ

   I sat back on the stage watching the team play after finishing all my built up homework. Two months have gone by, watching Kageyama annoy Tsukki was pretty entertaining, Hinata really got hyped about anything volleyball related. They had played Aoba Johsai recently and got a new coach. Being brutally honest, Kageyama and Hinata were much better than the rest of the team, but then again they all had their better qualities.
   I would glance up at Tsukki every now and then as they practiced. I had nothing else to draw and my sketchbook could use a new thing something other than skies and nature the only thing that wasn't nature in my sketchbook was a drawing of Tadashi the only portrait, that and the back of the cover with TSUKISHIMA KEI written in a thick black marker.
   I had decided to draw the entire team, I had already done all the third-years so I decided to do first-years and Tsukki was the tallest making me start with him first.

   "What are you drawing, Freak?" Tsukki asked making me jump.

   I quickly covered the picture with my hands, praying that it wouldn't smudge. That smug smirk grew on his lips once again.

   "Ooo are you drawing porn?" He whispered.

   "Pervert." I pinched my nose and he took a step back offended. Enough that I could close the book and stuff it in my bag.
   "Is practice over?" I looked up to see everyone cleaning. "We should stop slacking and help them clean up."

   He looked at me and his eyes squinted. "Why are you talking so much?"

   "I have a voice. I should use it." I replied and slightly smiled. "I know it makes everyone happy to hear my voice and see my smile. What do you think?"

   "You look even more creepy." Tsukki replied.

   "Don't say that!" Noya chopped his arm across to hit Tsukki in the stomach. "It's perfect Yuri-chan!"

   "Thank you Noya-san." I replied.

   Tsukishima tsked and walked away. I sighed but looked over at my brother and Daich basically were bullying Asahi. Noya was talking to Hinata who was admiring his rolling thunder, which was just a regular receive. Tadashi walked over and helped me down. I took the mop and helped him clean up.

⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉

   When we finished we all headed down the hill and Daichi offered to buy us meat buns which everyone appreciated. We all walked together as we left, slowly people started breaking off from the group and heading home.

   "Are you actually gonna eat?" I looked up at Tsukishima.

   I looked back at the meat bun, I really didn't want a whole meat bun. I wasn't hungry because Kōshi had packed me a big lunch, I still had a bit leftover. But before I could explain all that Tsukishima decided to cut me off.

   "Don't just give it to me. Eat." He read my mind.

   I teared it in half and both of those halves into another half, I handed him a fourth and then one to Hinata, Kageyama and the last piece was given to Tadashi.

   "Thanks!" The three boys said their eyes gleaming as they ran up to the others.

   Tsukki's eyes were piercing at me right now so I looked at him and he pulled my chin down stuffing the bun into my mouth. I almost choked as he walked ahead. Asshole. Only he could make my heart race like this. It was actually annoying since I still didn't know what we were or what I meant to him. Tsukishima was a more reserved guy who never talked about how he felt.

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