My Rebel Angel | Denira

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AUTHOR : FParungao

Firstly before I start this review, I would sincerely like to apologize for taking extremely long to complete this. I've been really busy, so I'm genuinely sorry for that.


I loved the title of this story! It is really well thought of and ties in to the story amazingly. It entails a lot of originality and really drove me to want to read the story. Particularly I loved the connotations it held, the word 'angel' giving insight to the fictional and paranormal aspect to the story, and then the word 'rebel' which gave insight to the main characters. Regarding the cover, it's also very nice, gives me a vintage feel and I liked the overall look. It shows Don very well and I liked that.


The length of the blurb was good, not too long, just right. The content of the blurb is insightful and gives important information, that's commendable. The only point of correction is on the spellings and grammar. For example, exchange* and chains* of events, also Gandhi*. Something I want you to remember is that when the readers read the Blurb, there should be no errors because it implies that the book will have errors too, which is incorrect because your book had very less spelling and grammar mistakes. That's why you should just review that again, as it's important.


I think this is a very interesting and intriguing idea and well executed. Nothing more to say but that it was very well thought of, and an exciting idea. As I reached the end of the chapters, I had that urge to continue so that should say enough.


You have an extensive knowledge in this area and it definitely resonated in your story. You knew where to use complex words, and where to tone it down. I wasn't confused or needed to constantly consult the dictionary which I appreciate in a story.


Regarding grammar, it was very good, with a few minor mistakes here and there. That can be easily sorted out by reading over chapters once again. Punctuation, well, I didn't find any errors regarding your punctuation. That was good. One more thing though, focus on your tense. It's written in the past tense, and you've made some mistakes with that, for example in Light My Cigarette, you said "is 2:43am" whereas according to tense should have been "was 2:43am"


I honestly think your characters were unique, and portrayed in a very nice way. You showed every personality trait, and was successful in helping me develop an  accurate mental image of the characters. All of them have the own uniqueness to offer to the story and you showed that very well. Also the illustrations really were amazing, I loved them and you're excellent at that!! Regarding dialogues, it was informal and really casual, which was good because of the settings and type of characters. No complaints with that.


Your ability to enable readers to develop mental images of the scene and people are immaculate. Especially the people, you did a great job with that. You gave the descriptions on people in such an elaborate manner and that has to be commended. With scenes, you gave the information that was needed but you can definitely lengthen the scene descriptions.


It went on a very consistent pace, I enjoyed the instantaneous love between Don and Mallory, that was a very sweet aspect. It wasn't rushed, or too slow. Good job!


The flow of the story was good, nothing was confusing, all aspects were intertwined together properly. The only problem here was the flashback in the Apple Tree chapter and the sudden cutting off. I feel like that could've been cut off a bit better, but that's just one thing, but the overall flow was good.


I enjoyed this story, to be honest I don't pick up books with vintage covers or paranormal but I truly appreciate this idea. It was very well executed and an amazing read. Particularly what I enjoyed, was the flashbacks and the lyrics, those were just really heartfelt and beautiful. Well done!

FINAL MARKS :  93/100


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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