Jake's claim | D

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AUTHOR : Astro_Lyn


Cover (7/10) Blurb (8/10)

So, the blurb is good, like it's arousing interest and giving out something about the story... So great but here comes the flaws..(very minor you can correct them) 1. You started as - In his close proximity. NO.close and proximity give away the same meaning. You don't use them together. 2. The second line has illegal deed..correct deed as deeds. 3. The same is ending as bound to it.. You can write some heavy words like form sentences like this ( she was bound to forbidden evils) you know so it could tell the reader that she is forced to something that she feels is heinous but still she can't free herself.

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING starts using But you know because of these but, however, still all these puts up invisible questions for the readers that will push them going. So the next sentence is ... instead of then like prodigy. .use but then like a prodigy. As it will happen that something sheerly insane and surreal happened that was not expected. COVER: Cover is okayish..You know there definitely a lot of graphic designers out there you can request a cover from...

You know because your cover gives off that writer could be very cuz if simply looks you took a picture from Google or Pinterest and then used an app to write the name and done...the picture is too simple and although Jake's is good but the writing that you used for the word claim is very simple.. You know it would have better you highlighted Jake but her CLAIM is highlighted which can easily shoo away many readers cuz most of the people will build a thinking that this book is about claiming or mating or possession or mine where the guy is dominating and honestly if you ask 10 people 8 out them will say they won't like reading about possessive male..



The vocabulary is good. The words, even if they have the same meaning synonyms are used which is a good thing.

Also most of the body language and character description are described with brilliant vocabulary.Plus they are simple and very easy for the reader to absorb the sense.


Pace of the story (9/10)
The pace is also very good as one can easily pinpoint the chronology of the story. The start is gradual where the readers get to meet the main character but the only problem is that they're is a bit of doubt about the actual condition and situation of the female lead and that can be a little minus point but still the pace is fine. Gradual and flawed but little.


Characters(6/10) /dialogue (8/10)

As mentioned there's is confusion about female lead condition, while a friend of her is introduced too early and a person who's is casted as timid and introvert (initially) how can that person be so okay with hangout just in the start, so that's why creating character arc for these characters can be a challenge and also it's possible to have invisible character arc that means it will be there but too insignificant.

Dialogue is taken good care of. They are perfectly formed and body language, surrounding and settings, feelings of character and inclusion of all the things living or not are done.



Grammar is actually flawless in the story if you compare it with the blurb so I will say that the writer has really put in efforts and I would say it is very hard to point any grammatical mistakes although there are some particular sentences that have a mistake and it's just that, a mistake which is very common.


Storyline (9/10)

Mysterious, enigmatic, suspense and something that pushes you to keep going.


Overall enjoyment (8/10)
It's a good story with a twisted plot completely unpredictable that will keep you going. The only problem I found was the way characters were introduced, certainty is not found. But overall I enjoyed the story, it's a good romance book and with an interesting story.



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