Second chances | Saanu

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AUTHOR : Huntley_Hills


So the book cover is amazing. It is the perfect cover for a romance story but i would recommend you to use a more appealing colour for your title because it is kind of camouflaging with the cover. Further the title is also appropriate “Second Chances”. The return of the Marsh Brothers and a certain brother has caused the surfacing of the old feelings the protagonist, Lily once had for him. The word Second is saying that she got a second chance to make him probably fall in love with her. I would give the cover a 9/10 and for the title a 10/10.


The blurb has a sense of mystery in it and it is good to keep your readers on their toes. The certain excerpt shows the interaction of Lily with her crush, who happens to be a singer along with his brother. it is a typical romance story where the good girl falls in love with the bad boy but with a little twist, where even Lily is not exactly a good girl. I would say the blurb is good and give it an 8/10.


I would say the storyline is well planned and and has been decided before you set to writing down this story. i would give the storyline a 9/10. After all, all romance stories need a planning for it to be a good romance.


The writer’s vocabulary and grammar is perfect and makes sense. The words used are part of an easy vocabulary where the writer has achieved the goal of making everyone understand her story, by using words that are not too flashy. There are no complains about your grammar it is just perfect and for that you deserve a 10/10.


For the characters you have posted aesthetics in the first part of the book itself, giving us an insight oh how you imagined you characters to be and the actors you used to potray your characters. I really like the name Camera for Lily’s best friend. As for the dialogues, they are written quite nicely, all them being quite funny and playful and the way of writing it is adequate.The way you have given nicknames to the main characters is also really sweet.Even after having an aesthetic, you have still taken extra measures to describe Lily’s physique.Also there is a bond between twins, where Alex happens to be gay. Though i have my doubts on why Lily is insecure and what is the real reason behind it. The plot devised where Lily and Cole are in a fake relationship is enough for the 2 lovebirds, Lily and Gabriel to come closer. Of course there is always a villain, in this case a jealous attention seeker girl. I have to say though the first person point of view is quite good. I would give it a 10/10.


The characters were described nicely but it would also do you good to describe even the surroundings of the characters like a little more about where they are standing, there was only vague description about them. Adding a pet to the story, Good Job. it would bring out a certain liveliness to the story.

I would give it a 6/10. A bit more of the current place description would do you good because sometimes when there is a heartfelt or a romantic moment is described, a description on the place would also be good.


I enjoyed this book. Well  enjoy any good romance book, be it even a simple fun. i like happy endings and there is the title drop in the last chapter.


The pace is a bit slow but it is ok you can take the readers on a slow journey, this will just keep the readers more excited on wanting to go to the next chapter. 


I would suggest that you find a way to end the book, like mark it completed not just in the title ‘cause if you mark your story completed then your romance story can always end up in the completed stories section and who knows your book may rise up.



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