Chapter 73 🌙

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3rd person pov

As three fourths of the broken up team seven stand opposed to one another on the broken up bridge, Haru finds herself deep in thought.

She takes a weary glance at her lover, only to mentally cringe at the look in his eyes. It seems like he's completely lost it, and it honestly made her just a bit nervous. Between the two of them, Haru had always been the one with various up and down moods and so forth. Sasuke was always grounded, and always kept her grounded to some degree.

Now with the tables turned, and now that Sasuke seems to have lost his damn mind, Haru doesn't know how to go about any of this!

The last time the couple had seen each other was at a dango shop where Haru was about to embark on her mission to head to the Mist village under her mother's commands. Haru remembers seeing a very stoic Sasuke as per usual, one that made her feel calm.

What the hell happened between then and now to warrant all of this?! Haru thinks to herself, furrowing her eyebrows and turning her gaze to the sky.

All she could think of now is her unnamed son, her cute little baby boy who literally has no idea that his father is going through an emotional breakdown. Kami I need a drink after all of this. She thinks to herself, her mind tuning in and out of fond memories between herself and her three month old child.

She tunes back into the altercation when Sakura takes Karin over her shoulder and runs away under Kakashi's orders. She watches stoically as Sakura retreats with the redhead on her shoulder, and sighs tiredly.

Now that that's over with, could we all just part ways? She mentally asks herself, only to groan when Kakashi turns his combative gaze towards Sasuke. It seemed like today would never end!

All she wanted to do was find Sasuke, tell him about the exciting news of their son, pick a name, have Isamu bring them the baby, and cuddle. That's all she wanted. But now? Now she's stuck in this shit show of a fight between her insane boyfriend and her former teacher!

As Kakashi analyzes his two former students, he could almost instantly see the change in Haru's demeanor from when she first went rogue from the village. The Haru from back then was cold and vengeful to an extent, recoiling completely from the village and rejecting all of it's advances to let her return.

The Haru he's looking at now doesn't seem to be the same at all. She's obviously changed from then, from her worried glances between Sasuke and Kakashi himself, to the way that he'd notice her listening carefully to his advice towards Sasuke.

His hypothesis on Haru's new stance could also be credited to when he came back to life after Naruto defeated Pain, he was informed of Haru's involvement towards the whole ordeal and he couldn't believe it when he heard it.

The same Haru who was a part of the akatsuki had gone back on her teacher and helped the village she despised so greatly?!

Honestly, up until the point of seeing her now, Kakashi still didn't believe Naruto's words no matter how desperately he wanted to. However, the more he notices her very obvious confusion and worry for both parties, he realizes that she's changed for the better.

On the other hand, Sasuke leaves Kakashi with a heavy heart. He feels as though he's failed completely when it comes to Sasuke. The cold, yet crazed look in Sasuke's eyes tells Kakashi everything he needs to know when it comes to Sasuke's obsessive and vengeful goals.

Kakashi in no way wants to kill Sasuke, however he knows that he must stop the very capable Uchiha from destroying the leaf. His heart is pounding with regret and disappointment seeing his former pupil in such a twisted state of hatred!

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