Chapter 32 🌙

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"When I get out of these chains you're both dead." I threaten, a sudden headache overcoming me. Kabuto smiles as he organizes the needles on a tray right next to me.

"Don't worry Haru this will only hurt a lot." He mocks making me internally cringe. My huge fear of needles never went away at all, and this is making it come back.

"You fucking creeps what are you even doing?" I ask shakily as Kabuto holds up a huge needle with blue liquid in it. Orochimaru chuckles as he leans against a pillar inside the room.

"You'll see Haru, now I need to go find our other guests. Kabuto please take care of Haru here." He mocks before walking out of the room. "Oh wait." My head snaps back to the door to see Orochimaru standing there, his hand on the knob. "I just wanted to let you know Haru, it wasn't me who originally thought up this plan Haru." 

My eyebrows furrow as I stare at the snake sannin. "An old friend of mines, Danzo. He requested that I help him do this to you. You're familiar with him right?" My eyes widen as I stare at Orochimaru's amused retreating figure. Danzo wanted this done to me?!

What are they even doing?! 

My breath hitches as Kabuto nears me with that same needle. "Don't." I nervously warn. Kabuto notices that I'm basically shaking and let's out a laugh "aww are you still scared of needles?" Kabuto teases. Where's my brother?!

My anxiety kicks up as I look the other way and close my eyes. I never thought I would feel so. . . Weak in my life. "K-Kabuto please." I basically whine before choking up when I feel a searing pain shoot through my arm. My eyes widen and I look down at my arm to see blood dripping down, Kabuto pushing the liquid into my bloodstream.

I yell out in pain and thrash against the chains, starting to feel claustrophobic my chest rises and lowers quickly. Tears form at the corner of my eyes as I feel a burning sensation through out my body. Whatever he's injecting in me is basically making me expert all of my chakra somehow as I freak the hell out. Kabuto smirks when I suddenly stop thrashing against the chains, my body falling limp with the needle still in my arm, the remnants of the liquid flowing into my body.

He watches as my red eyes roll to the back of my head and his smirk widens. "Wood style suppressant number one, nine more to go. Then ten more crystal style represents, oh how fun."

Kabuto stares at my unconscious self for a moment before smirking and bringing out a whole batch of empty syringes. "Then we do blood tests!" 

••Third person POV••

Sasuke narrows his eyes as he enters the base, he was in a mission to Suna and just returned. The feeling in the base was off and the mission he just had was useless. He almost had a run in with team seven which wouldve been annoying, he just listened to them blabber on about Haru. He didn't want to listen to such mindless conversation so he left, that was probably the most eventful part of that entire mission. He finished early, so he decided to come straight back to the base. 

Obviously not expecting it, Sasuke is caught off guard when he's slammed against the wall with a hand wrapped around his neck.

"Where's my sister you little fucker!" Shinji seethes, Isamu snarling at the Uchiha behind him. Sasukes coal eyes momentarily widen but his face returns to his usually stoic nature.

"I haven't seen her. Get off." He bluntly orders, grabbing Shinji's wrist and managing to push it way from his neck. He couldn't help but be confused though. Why are they asking him about Haru? He seriously hadn't seen her in months.

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