Chapter 59 🌙

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Recap: "Wait Sakura, what do you mean by her state? Why couldn't she pick it up herself?" Tsunade asks to which the pinkette sighs.

"That's the other thing, She's around eight months pregnant."

••Still in the Leaf Village••

The silence that falls upon the room is deafening, Tsunade's jaw practically falling to the floor along side Shizunes. "P-Pregnant?!" Shizune asks, hoping she hadn't heard correctly. Sakura and Naruto nod as Kakashi rubs his temples.

"We also brought her here." He adds, making the hokage's eyes widen even further. As if that was the cue, a rather timid girl walks through the office doors, highly intimidated by all the looks from the foreign ninja. As if Tsunade wasn't surprised enough, the looks of the girl only shocked her even more.

Yuki didn't necessarily look like the type of person who would be around S ranked criminals. She's rather short, the top of her head lining up with Naruto's shoulder blades. Her big brown eyes and unscarred skin only adding to the image of innocence. Tsunade watches the girl look down at the floor, obviously intimidated by the people around her.

"Why don't you take a seat, Yuki is it? I'll have Shizune fetch you a glass of water." Tsunade kindly says before glaring fiercely at all the other ninja in the room, warning them to get out quickly to not scare off the teen any more. Easily getting the message, Team seven and the few other guard ninja who were in the room speedily walk out or flash away, leaving the hokage, Shizune, and Yuki alone.

"T-thank you hokage-sama, it's an honor to be here." The girl softly speaks, a shy blush spreading across her cheeks. The gears in Tsunade's mind begin to spin. How was such a sweet innocent looking girl twisted up in a world like Shinji's?

Shizune quickly returns with a glass of water and places it softly on the sleek desk, to which Yuki eagerly takes a sip. "So Yuki, tell me about yourself." Tsunade says, getting straight to the point. Yuki places her cup back down on the desk and shifts in her seat.

"W-well my name is Yuki Masuda and I'm seventeen years old. I uhm, don't really have any ninja background. I live in a village right outside of Kumogakure and I work in my families hotel." She says, to which Tsunade's eyebrow arches.

"And you're pregnant I see." Tsunade adds, to which Yuki blushes. "Y-Yeah that too." She mumbles out, bowing her head shamefully. The hokage carefully watches the girl before leaning in closer than before. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you sound so sad?" Tsunade asks softly, almost sounding like a caring mother herself.

Yuki looks up and tugs a piece of hair behind her ear. "Well, the baby isn't really going to have a dad around and my family isn't happy about me having a baby so early. They want me to move out as soon as the baby is born because they can't help support it financially." Yuki reveals, and Tsunade is shocked yet again.

"The father left you? And your parents want you out of the house?" She quickly asks, making the younger girl nod. "Yuki I know we just met but I need you to answer me truthfully. Is Shinji Oshiro the father?" Tsunade softly asks to which the girl quickly nods.

"Do they know how dangerous that is? Your child is going to be apart of the Oshiro clan, they just can't leave you out on the streets!" Tsunade angrily claims, toning it down when she remembers Yuki's timid nature. The girl stays quiet, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes when she's reminded of the terrible situation she's let herself be in.

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