Chapter 28 🌙

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It's been a full week since Haru's departure from the leaf village. A gloomy feel casted itself over the usually bright city. The entire week was spent indoors, rain pouring onto the streets.

The civilians were more than angry at the news, they were livid. Haru Senju of the very clan that was credited for founding the village has found herself on a path of destruction.

At first people refused to believe it, saying that it was simply a rumour. But when the hokage, Haru's very own cousin, announced the whereabouts of Haru the village was outraged.

No ones anger came close to that of Tsunade Senju's though. It was frightening, giving threats left and right, orders being harshly demanded, the hokage was having an actual fit at the news.

She ordered that team seven take a short break, Naruto refused at first saying that if he returned Immediately then they may find Haru much quicker. Tsunade unexpectedly refused, and instead sent out multiple squads of tracking ninja. She argued with Naruto saying that he should stay home seeing that the recovery of this mission would be a long one, especially for Sakura Haruno.

Poor Sakura Haruno. She woke up to see a livid Ino stood in front of her hospital bed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Was the first  thing she heard when reaching consciousness.

"W-what?" She croaked out before blinking her green eyes around. "I️ can't believe you." Ino spats, fists clenching at the Haruno. Sakura who's still dazed reaches over and grabs a cup from the stand next to her, gulping down the water greedily.

Ino glares at the girl with pink hair as she finishes the cup. "Are you done now?" Ino snaps as Sakura nervously look up at her.

"Why are you so mad at me?!" Sakura asks with furrowed eyebrows, cringing alrighty as she attempts to sit up. The pain shooting through every inch of her body at the slightest movement.

"Why did you slap Haru?" Ino smartly and quickly responds, Sakura flinching slightly at Ino's sharp tone. "Ino I found out she was dating Sasuke!" Sakura says as a attempt of defending herself. Ino arches a blonde brow "So?"

"So she knew I had feelings for him." Sakura responds. Ino scoffs. "Did you actually think you had a chance with Sasuke with Haru around? Even I'm not that dumb." Ino admits, remembering the crush she had on Sasuke as well "Well I. . I don't know-"

"So you slapped her because you found out the guy who you never had a chance with dated her?" Ino says in quite the condescending tone.

"I had a crush on him too Sakura, but would I
slap Haru because of it? No! Would I be disappointed? sure! Who the hell gave you the right to put your hands on her?!" Ino asks, making Sakura feel dumber and dumber as time goes by.

Sakura opens her mouth to retort, but is left speechless. "You're ridiculous! Now she's probably somewhere alone or being chased after, I know she can fend by herself but the life of a rogue can't be easy." Ino rants, now pacing back and forth in the hospital room.

"I should've seen this coming, that entire team of yours was trash to Haru. Now like three jonin's owe Asuma sensei money." She rambles on. Sakura looks at Ino weirdly. "He bet on her leaving the village?!"

"Well we were only kids at the time. But I know he would talk to the third hokage about Haru and try to let her go on missions with us." Ino responds, the guilt starting to eat away at Sakura. "Oh. . ."

"Yeah 'oh' you four were pieces of shit! Haru wouldn't hold back on complaining about you guys when we had sleepovers at her place." Ino says to which Sakura casts her gaze downwards. "What would she say?"

••Ino's Flashback (They're twelve)••

"for the last time Ino, I'm not a snowflake." Haru mutters as she leans forwards and bundles up her hair in her hand, only to straighten up and begin twisting it around in a big messy bun. Somehow she made it work much to Ino's dismay.

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