Chapter 26 🌙

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Recap: I turn to Sasuke and narrow my eyes seeing as he's already in right behind me. "Still want to talk?"


Sasuke turns to Kabuto and Orochimaru who disappeared using a fire jutsu. "Let's just talk somewhere else." I say as I begin walking in an opposite direction, Sasuke following behind. We finally reach a nice clearing with a bunch of trees surrounding and decide to talk here.

"You were pregnant?" He suddenly asks, turning around and looking straight at me when we're finally alone. I arch a brow "Is that the only thing you got from that entire situation?!" I ask as I lean against  one of the many trees. Sasuke narrows his eyes "Don't avoid the question Haru."

"I'm not avoiding it I'm just asking you a reasonable question."



"Answer the question."

I roll my eyes at our mini banter " it was a false alarm." I mutter as I look away from him. "What happened?" He asks now leaning against a tree a couple feet away from my own. "We were in the village hidden in the sand rescuing Gaara when I got a really bad pain- You know what why should I explain myself to you?! You don't deserve explanations!" I say, pausing mid sentence and accusing him.

Sasuke narrows his piercing eyes at me "When it has to do with my child you do need to give explanations." I nearly choke on my own spit when he says this. "Your child?! There was never a child!" I exclaim now pointing at my perfectly formed abdomen. He glances at my stomach and rolls his eyes at my behavior.

"Hn, why did you ignore the message I sent you?" He asks, easily switching topics. I sigh and rub my temples, I don't want to talk to him so much but look at me now.

"Well if you weren't aware this-" I pause motioning my hand between us two "Is illegal and I was trying to be a good civilian so I wasn't going to drop everything to see you." I explain. Ugh, I'm explaining myself to him!

"Kabuto was the one sending Tsunade the pictures, I found out after he did so and I wanted to tell you." Sasuke admits to which I roll my eyes. "A bit too late for that isn't it?" He sighs and we dwell on the awkward silence.

"Are you going to explain what happened or not?" He bluntly asks to which I shake my head. "I fainted, I bled, Sakura thought it was a miscarriage, end of story." I stoically respond. Sasuke arches a brow "You fainted?"

I groan and run a hand through my hair "Is that all you got from that?"

"You continue to ignore my questions."

"You are so frustrating my Kami." I whine as I rub my eyes with the back of my hands. Sasuke gives me a look and I frown "Yes. I fainted Sakura never really told me why." I say as I stare at the ground.

Sasuke nods and looks at me with softer eyes when I don't notice him. "So Orochimaru probably wants you now." He says, not taking his eyes off of me for a split second. I begin to twirl a piece of my hair between my fingers, "I'm flattered." I sarcastically remark.

Sasuke says nothing and I sigh, the gravity of my situation dawning on me. "I have a brother and he's my priority before anyone else." I say, crossing my arms over my chest and looking up to meet with his coal colored eyes.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asks, eyes narrowing slightly. I shrug "I don't know Sasuke, I just know that my brother is whats important to me now. Not you." I boldly state, nearly choking on nothing when Sasuke flashes right in front of me, his eyes narrowed to slits.

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