Chapter 41 🌙

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••Itachi's Flashback••

Itachi remembers being a thirteen year old kid when one day he had returned from an anbu mission. His best friend and slightly older cousin Shisui also went through the mission with Itachi, so it was only natural that the two went straight back to the Uchiha compound after reporting their mission to the hokage.

So the two teens opted to walk around the compounds as Itachi's younger brother, who was only eight, would arrive home from school sooner or later. The teens talked about mindless things as they passed by other clan members, ignoring the toxic tension in the air for the time being.

They were tired, and didn't want to think about the hopelessness that their clan would soon face. At least not for now. From the corner of Itachi's eye, he could see a little girl with snow white hair that stood out from the rest of the Uchiha's who had naturally pitch black hair.

Shisui also quickly takes notice of the little kid and stops walking as he opens his arms wide, ignoring the slight stinging sensation due to an injury he faced when in the mission. Not even a minute later the child, who anyone would recognize from a mile away due to her distinct features, jumps into Shisui's arms and wraps her arms around his neck in a bear hug.

"You're back!" She squeaks, not noticing the slight wince of pain that Shisui let out once she jumped in his arms. He plastered a smile on his face and picked her up, letting her sit on his hip. "Yes we're back! Now why did you come running all the way over here alone Haru? You know that's dangerous." Shisui lightly scolds before shuffling the hair on Haru's head.

Itachi rolls his eyes and nudges Shisui "Don't mess up her hair, my mother will kill you." Haru pouts as she stares at Shisui "Are you mad at me?" She softly asks. Shisui sighs before hiking her up a bit higher on his hip. "No Haru I'm not mad, just be careful." He says to which Haru obediently nods. "I'm sorry!"

Itachi smirks at the two as he walks alongside. If there were any other person that Haru idolized more than Itachi, it would have to be Shisui. Of course Itachi was still extremely important in Haru's little mind but he barley compared to Shisui. When Haru met Shisui Itachi could almost remember the stars in her eyes.

So it didn't surprise Itachi when Haru continuously tried to impress Shisui, always outdoing herself and following him around in hopes to get his recognition. And it didn't annoy Shisui, the teenager adored the mini Senju seeing as he was also close with her mother and felt extremely sympathetic to her when he found out she was alive in the first place.

"Itachi are you listening to me?!" Haru asks as she leans over from Shisui's grip and holds onto Itachi's arm. Itachi quickly looks over to Haru and finds a bright grin on her face. "What happened Haru?" The Senju's smile widens and she pulls out a flimsy piece of paper from her backpack "Look I got a A on my test!" She happily says showing Itachi the scores that she was proud of. He chuckled when he noticed the sparkling sticker right next to the bright red A.

Shisui smiles and pinches Haru's cheek "There's my little girl! See, studying hard get's you good grades." He says to which Haru shyly smiles. Itachi suddenly arches a brow, if Haru was at the Uchiha compound, then where was Sasuke?

"Haru, where is Sasuke?" Itachi asks, noticing the mischievous glint in Haru's big red eyes. Haru smirks setting small bit of worry in Itachi's mind.

"Ino and a bunch of other girls were following us so I pushed him and ran!" She says, causing a roar of laughter to come from Shisui. "Oh my gosh Itachi, she fed him to the wolves!" Itachi sweatdrops at the two who high five as he leans against a tree.

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