~Chapter 36~

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?: Wtf Y/n

Y/n: Josh?

Josh: No it's Shrek

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Josh: Charli told me about Mads and we came

Y/n: We?

Josh took a step to the side to reveal Jaden. He was holding a pillow over his face.

Jaden: You almost hit me

Y/n: Your fault you didn't tell me you were coming

Jaden: I did

You checked your phone and saw 10 messages.

Y/n: Oh my bad I was asleep

Josh went to Charli's room and You and Jaden went to your room.
You lay on your bed and Jaden layed on the floor with a pillow.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Jaden: Sleeping

A few minutes you heard Jaden's snore. You got a pillow and layed down next to him on the floor. You got your blanket and put it over you and Jaden. A few minutes later Jaden pulled you closer to him and cuddled with you. And that is how you went to sleep.

The next day you woke up to texts from a private number. They sent a bunch of pictures of Dixie and another guy. Then screenshots of snapchats from Griffin asking for toepics. You laughed and texted the private number

Y/n: That's Dixie with her friend and Griffin asking for toepics

?: A reason for them to breakup

Y/n: That's stupid

You stopped texting the number and got up from the floor. Jaden was still sleeping. You went to the Kitchen and saw Charli and Josh making breakfast.

Y/n: What are you guys making

Charli: Muffins

Y/n: Are they almost done?

Josh: They need to cool down

Y/n: I'll go wake up Jaden

You went to your room and saw Jaden sitting on a chair scrolling through his phone

Y/n: Do you want some muffins Charli and Josh made

Jaden: Sure

You guys went to the kitchen and saw Charli and Josh eating muffins. You and Jaden got a muffin and sat on the couch. Then Griffin and Dixie came arguing.

Dixie: Then who were you sending that to

Griffin: It was a joke atleast I wasn't all over another person

Dixie: He's just a friend

Griffin: Doesn't look like it

Dixie: I'm done with you Charli let's go

Dixie went out of the house with Charli following her.

Josh: I think we should leave

Jaden and Josh left.

You just sat at the couch in total shock. You texted the private number.

Y/n: How did you know?

?: It was obvious

Y/n: Who even are you?

?: You'll find out

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