~Chapter 23~

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You woke up with Jaden's leg still over you.

Y/n: Jaden we need to go to school

Jaden: We can skip

Y/n: No we have to return that baby and work on our essay

Jaden: Ugh fine

He moved his leg and got out of his bed.

Y/n: Wait I have nothing to wear

Jaden: Just wear some of my clothes

He handed you his sweatpants and a hoodie. You went to go get changed in his bathroom. When you got out he was still changing.

Y/n: Oops sorry

Jaden: Get used to it

You just stared at him. He laughed and changed. You got the baby and left his room. You started walking to the bus stop.

Jaden: Y/n wait up

You turned around and laughed and started running. You got to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Jaden finally got there the same time the bus came.

You got on and sat on your seat. Jaden handed one of his airpods. You guys listened to music till you got to school. You gave him back his airpod and walked to class with the baby. You sat next to Payton. Class started and you and Psyton had a test. You finished after Payton. You guys just had to read. You and Payton were passing notes to each other about the baby project. The teacher saw you guys and gave you lunch detention. Class ended and you walked to where you and Jaden normally meet. You gave the baby to Jaden and walked to Band.

You got to band and sat next to Avani. You guys talked for a while till the teacher came and you guys practiced your instruments. Class ended you walked to third period, then fourth till lunchtime. You walked to the detention room and saw Payton.

Y/n: Wait I forgot to tell Jaden I had lunch detention

Payton: He normally waits for you in your usual spots

Y/n: Hopefully

You guys sat in detention all of lunch. You guys got released and you waited for Jaden. Jaden came running.

Jaden: Haha look who has detention now

Y/n: Ha Ha very funny Hossler

Jaden: Ok shortie

Y/n: We have nicknames now

Jaden: I guess we do

He handed you the baby and left. You walked to your next period until last period. You walked inside and sat at your usual spot. The teacher started teaching immediately.

Teacher: Everyone can do homework or read while I call groups

Everyone got called and the teacher checked the baby and handed them a paper to plan your essay. She finally called you and Jaden. She checked the baby then handed you each a paper. You guys walked back to your table. Everyone started planning they're essay. Class ended and you walked to your bus. You sat next to Jaden as usual. You got to Jaden's stop but Jaden didn't get off.

Y/n: Jaden aren't you going to get off?

Jaden: I'm actually going to your house

Y/n: You are?

Jaden: Yep

You got to your stop. You and Jaden got ouy and walked to your house. You went inside and took a shower while Jaden took a shower in Griffin's room.

You changed and got out. Jaden was sitting on your bed.

Y/n: Here

You handed him his clothes.

Jaden: You can keep them they look better on you anyway

You blushed and looked away. You put the clothes in the laundry basket. You guys were watching a movie when Jaden said...

Jaden: Can I try something

Y/n: Umm sure?

He leaned into you and...

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