~Chapter 6~

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Charli: Y/n our bus is here

You got on the bus and sat next to Charli. (You're next to the window) Josh sat at an empty seat next to yours.

Josh: Hey Charli wants to hang out later

Charli: Are you asking me out?

Josh: Guess I am

Charli: Sure text me the details

Charli gave Josh her number. Josh went to go sit next to Jaden.

Charli: I can't believe Josh asked me out

Y/n: Omg I'm so excited for you

The bus stopped at one of the bus stops and Josh, Jaden and Mads left.

Josh: See you later Charli

The bus then stopped at Charli's stop

Charli: bye Y/n I'll text you what happens

Y/n: Bye

The bus got to your stop and you got out. You walked inside your house.

Y/n: Griffin I'm home!

Griffin: Lunch is at the table. I'll see you later I'm going with the boys to hang out

Y/n: ok bye

Griffin left which means you have the whole house to yourself. You decided to text the group chat

Y/n: Anybody want to hang out

Payton: Sure where to?

Avani: How about the park

Addison: Can't I'm babysitting my brothers

Bryce: Can't with the boys

Y/n: At the park it is

You changed, locked your house, and started walking to the park. You walked by a restaurant. You saw Charli and Josh having a good time. Then you couldn't believe your eyes you saw...

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