~Chapter 1~

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It was 6 am and y/n got up to get ready for the first day of school. She went downstairs to see her brother cooking breakfast.

Y/n: What you cooking?

Griffin: Pancakes! Want some?

Y/n: Nah I'm going to miss the bus. See you after school!

Griffin: Stay safe!

Y/n point of view

I got on the bus just to see Mads and Jaden sitting next to each other kissing. {You got a flashback when you sat next to Jaden in Kindergarten and he shared goldfish with you.}

Charli: Y/n sit next to me!

You saw Charli sitting at the seat directly from Chase, Josh, and Nessa. Great, you thought. You sat next to her.

Charli: So what's your first class?

Y/n: Math

Charli: I got Reading

Y/n: Ugh I'm going to be alone

Charli: No you'll be with Payton

Y/n: Yesss

The bus stopped and everyone got off. You headed to class to see Payton. You sat next to him.

Y/n: What did I miss?

Payton: Nothing much just basic math. How's your day been?

Y/n: I didn't eat breakfast, Charli's not in this class, Jaden and Mads were kissing and Jaden is still ignoring me!

Payton: Well at least I'm here

Time goes on and class finally ends. You get up and leave class. You go to your locker only to see Mads and Nessa.

Mads: Here she comes now

Nessa: Be careful she's going to want to get with your mans

Mads: She's ugly Jaden wouldn't want that

You rolled your eyes and opened your locker. You got your stuff and headed to Band. When you got there you saw Avani and sat next to her.

Avani: Hey

Y/n: You will never guess who I saw in the hallways

Avani: Let me guess! The snake Mads

Y/n: Yes and with her little friend

Avani: Ugh I hate them so much

Class started and you guys played your instruments. Class ended and you walked to lunch with Avani. You guys sat at a table with Charli, Chase, and Payton. You guys talked about class and other stuff. You noticed Chase kept looking at Nessa but thought nothing of it.

Avani: What class do you guys have next? I have Math

Charli & Chase: me too

Payton: I have band

Y/n: I have Reading

Great, you thought. Lunch ended and you walked to class. You saw Jaden, Mads, Josh, and Nessa. Even worse you thought. You sat at a table by yourself. You could hear Mads and Nessa talking about you. Then someone tapped you on your shoulder. You turned around and saw...

High school(Jaden Hossler)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora