~Chapter 13~

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Wait how did she know we were here?

You guys didn't move. Mads walked over to behind the bush.

Mads: I'm not stupid

You guys got out of behind the bush. Mads crossed her arms and stared at you guys.

Y/n: Let's Run

You whispered to Avani.

You guys ran all the way to your house. You guys collapsed on your bed.

Avani: Do you think she'll tell Jason?

Y/n: Probably but Jason won't talk back to her

Avani: Oh yeah he can't talk to her Bro Code

You guys hung out for the rest of the day until Avani had to go. She left so you went to sleep because you had school tomorrow.

The next day

You woke up and got ready for school. You walked to the bus stop and met with Charli.

Y/n: Hey Charli how was the date?

Charli: Why would you care? You don't even want us together.

What did I do?

Y/n: What do you mean? Of course, I want you guys together

Charli: Mads told me what you said! You're jealous I have a boyfriend!

The bus came and Charli went in. You went in after her. She sat next to Josh. Mads was in front of her with Nessa. Mads looked at you and grinned.

Great I don't have a seat

You looked everywhere and a seat next to Jaden was the only one available. You sat next to him with a gap between you two.

Jaden: Why aren't you sitting with Charli?

Y/n: She's mad at me but I'll walk to school of you don't want me sitting here

Jaden: No you're fine but why is she mad at you if you don't mind me asking?

Y/n: Mads told her I was jealous of their relationship

Jaden: Typical Mads

The whole bus ride was quiet until...

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