~Chapter 28~

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You went to Charli's room.

Charli: So how'd it go with Jaden

Y/n: He told me what happened and I forgave him

Charli: Good because tommorow is the double date

Y/n: Tommorow?! I have nothing to wear

Charli: Let's go shopping

You went to your room and got ready. You waited for Charli in the door.

Charli: K I'm ready

You guys made Griffin and Dixie drive you guys. You guys got to the mall and looked everywhere. You guys found the perfect dresses.

Use your imagination to picture a dress.

Charli: That is going to make Jaden regret kissing Mads

Y/n: That is going to make Josh be even more in love with you

You guys were waiting for Griffin to pick you guys till you saw Jason and Mads with a dress and a suit walking to a car.

Y/n: Look Jason and Mads

Charli: Didn't she just ask Jaden to forgive her

Then Griffin called you

Griffin: Sorry Y/n I can't pick you up I'm busy

Y/n: How am I supposed to get home

Griffin: Figure it out

He hung up.

Y/n: Looks like we're walking home

Charli: No what if our dresses get ruined

Y/n: There's no other choice

Charli: What if I call Josh to pick us up

Y/n: Won't he see our dresses

Charli: Not if I tell him to close his eyes while we put it in his trunk

Y/n: Fine

Charli called Josh and after a few minutes Josh's car pulled up.
He had his eyes closed and told you guys to put the dresses in the trunk. You guys put the dresses in the trunk. Charli sat in the front next to Josh and you were about to sit in the back. You opened the door and saw...

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