~Chapter 11~

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I decided to text Charli about what just happened

Y/n: Charli guess what

Charli: What?

Y/n: So I was walking home from Payton's house when Jaden talked to me, hugged me because Jason, the guy Mads was cheating with was following me

Charli: What did Jason want?

Y/n: Idk he just talked to Jaden

Charli: So you telling me Jaden talked to the guy that Mads used to cheat on him

Y/n: Yes and they were getting along

Charli: Gtg I'm going to hang out with Josh

Y/n: Oh Bye

Charli: Bye

You decided to hang out with Avani because why not? Plus I haven't talked to her in a while.

Y/n: Hey Avani want to hang out?

Avani: Sure! Where to?

Y/n: Let's go skateboard

Avani: Bet see you there

You skateboarded to the park. You got there and saw Avani.

Avani: Let's go skate over there

You guys walked to the skate park. You guys did some tricks until Avani said

Avani: Hey isn't that Jason?

You looked at where Avani was pointing at. You saw Jason talking to a girl.

Avani: Let's go talk to him

You guys walked over to him and the girl. You got closer and you realized who the girl was it was...

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