Night spent together

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SMUT WARNING ⚠️ THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT IF YOUR UNCOMFORTABLE SKIP NOW -Hey guys small note, normally I don't make chapters as long but this one is a little longer as it has the reunion and smut so just advising now it's longer than usual! ( it's kinda a three in one )

Luka's POV
We got home pretty quickly, the whole time in the car I couldn't let go of him. I felt like if I did he'd turn into a butterfly and fly away. After a little bit I could feel him dosing off. Head bobbing from side to side. I ran my fingers threw his good locks and slowly kissed his head. Gently pushing it onto my shoulder. I could hear his faint breathing turn into a soft coo. It had been so long since I felt his presence for once I don't think I've ever been so afraid in my life to lose someone. The moment he left it felt like the same day mother passed, my heart ached for his smile and his warmth. And to let anyone else touch him was unacceptable. The car pulled up to the mansion and I let out a small sigh. As Alfred opened the door I gently caressed Adrien before picking him up princess style. I noticed his size difference it felt like he lost weight? But he's pregnant shouldn't he have gained some? I walked threw the king halls to see Juleka run up to me.

JU: " you found him!" She let out a sigh of relief as Rose joined her.

LU: " yeah..."

JU: " why does he look so thin?"

LU: " I don't know.... but I'll put him to bed and have Maid 1 bring him something to eat."

JU: " sounds good we'll see him in the morning"

RO: " yeah sounds like a plan"

3rd POV
Luka brought Adrien up to bed ( he changed him into pyjamas before laying him down) and changed himself into pyjamas only to climb into bed right next to him.

Adrien's POV
I woke up to a warm chest and arms wrapped around me, they were squeezing me tight and I couldn't brake free. Oddly I felt comforted, I looked up to see Luka's face in a deep slumber. I tried to wriggle my way out of his arm lock only to his peaceful expression twist into a concerning one " please.... don't....leave". My heart sank, I pushed my body against his and laid there for another 30 min. It was then when I felt him squeeze even harder. I looked up to see his soft grin, the sun hit half of his face illuminating his features I don't think I noticed until now how handsome he really was. His fingers trailed my back, then shoulders until finally he cupped my face. The warmest feeling I had felt in so long.

LU: " did you sleep well?" It was then, as if all the emotions that had been bottled up for so long came crashing my tears turned into sobs, the person I loved so much was holding me again. - Adrien

LU: " wha- what's wrong?!" I pulled him closer hugging him into my chest patting his head softly. - Luka

LU: " shhh, your alright, let it all out I'm here" his sobs broke my heart but made me feel better knowing I was the chest he was leaning on to cry. After a couple minutes of sobbing I slowly pulled his head away delicately. Wiping the tears off his face and pecking his forehead. The sun shone across the windows onto his skin highlighting all his features. He was glowing, his skin was golden and his was a beautiful blonde colour his eyes were just as beautiful as the first time I admired them even with a few visible tears. We stayed there for a while in silence just enjoying the comfort of one another. Until I finally broke the silence.

LU: " hey Adrien, did you leave because of me...?"

AD: " No!" I hit him in protest. - Adrien

AD: " don't ever think that!"

LU: " then why did you leave?" I looked back contemplating what form of answer to give him.

AD: " because I don't deserve you"

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