Not an empty bed anymore

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Adrien's POV
After scouting out the basics of the mansion I fell right asleep in my quarter. I awoke to a maid with what seemed to be clothes? She told me I start work at 10 am sharp and that I needed to wake the master . I took the bag and headed back into my room only to discover... A maids outfit? It was short and had ruffles, for a seconds I thought it was a joke until I realized no one was coming back with a mans suit. I had no other choice than to wear it, if I didn't wouldn't he kick me out? He said to fallow all his orders and to obey him if I don't fallow I'd be going against what he told me right?

Both maids conversing:

M1 : "I switched his outfit for a females!"

M2: "what! Really!?"

M1 : "I thought it would be funny also, have you ever seen master look that way towards someone? He's definitely got a thing for him!"

M2: "you might be right on that"

M1: "wait! Look here he comes!"

3rd POV
Adrien slowly crept threw the halls hoping not to be seen, little did he know he was already being observed by the two maids. His job was to wake the master in time for breakfast the masters room was at the top of the stairs directly in the middle. He rushed up the stairs nearly exposing his whole backside with the frills of the dress.

Adrien's POV
Whew made it! I opened up the curtains only to find him still asleep he was so quiet and peaceful the closer I took a look he seemed more handsome.

AD: "A closer look wont hurt"

Adrien's POV
I approached slowly as I didn't want to wake him just yet I could feel my hand graze his chest it was soft very soft I could feel his breath, it surprisingly smelt like light mint. By they way he was sleeping it made me feel at ease so at ease I could feel myself dozing off

Luka's POV
I woke up at a slight thud only to find my newly hired servant peacefully sleeping on my knees. He was so quiet, as though you could drop a pin and as blissful as the night sky. I tried to pull him on the bed without waking him only to notice him half naked in a maids outfit. His arms were wide open in such a seductive manner that even I couldn't resist sizing him up. His legs were frail and as rosy as his cheeks the top of his chest was visible as the maids outfits were low cut and I could almost see a pinkish colour popping threw. Suddenly all sense was lost my hand scaled his leg I could feel a quiver his lips looked soft and plump, as I approached not even half an inch a way I stoped.

LU: " what am I doing, this is wrong"
LU: " I'm gonna leave a note and let him sleep"

Author's note! Thank you for reading this part please make sure to read the next to find out what happens!

Call me Master ~ ( Luka x Adrien ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin