M. Teacher: Extra

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Luka's POV
After that night at the restaurant, my feelings were stronger I had just met him yet all I wanted to do was hold him. Over the next few weeks I observed him from afar, I didn't want him to back away so I stayed at a distance. As the weeks progressed I could feel is getting closer slowly but surely. I had also noticed certain things about his personality, like how he was shy and reserved when it came to other people, his compassion toward others and most definitely his clumsiness.

FLASHBACK ( yes because I'm awesome I'm supplying you with more hot moments 😏👌)

3rd POV
It was a slow day, I asked Adrien to stalk up some books at the top row of my library. He's quite short so he used a stool to help him, little did he know that stool hadn't been used in years. and as I was expecting it not soon after a small wobble had come, them another until he eventually went back first onto the floor             - almost that is.  I got up just in the nick of time to catch him. I stood there gazing in those beautiful green eyes that had once again hit the sun at the right moment as though he wasn't tempting me enough. He quickly got up and apologized whilst I could still feel his warm embrace in my arms.

END OF FLASH BACK * cool sounds *

Back to Luka's POV
( he was describing his personality in case you forgot over the awesome flash back 😎 )
I was walking past his quarters when I heard him talk to himself, " Luka's so handsome" for a seconds I thought I was going crazy! Was I hearing the truth? Or was it just what I wanted to hear? Until I heard something else... " I wish he would like me back". I felt bad I was intrusive on his personal space but on the other hand, he had feelings for me too... I couldn't wait anymore, I decided to tell miss Bourgeois that I wanted to see how the students were doing so she let me in her class. All I could think about were his words, his porcelain face and those bright rosy cheeks. I didn't mean to but I ended up staring the whole time at him. Miss Bourgeois had told me she wanted to discuss things further in my office with Juleka and I gladly agreed. Adrien had gotten you to leave but I made sure to stop him, he only got as far as the front of his desk. My alpha pheromones had definitely suppressed him a little because I could tell he was becoming more and more sensitive as I approached him. I knew exactly what I was doing.... whispering in his ear, my breath and the fact that my hands were tracing his back. I went in for the kiss, I wanted more... my tongue slowly caressed his I could feel his wet mouth, his lips were delicate and soft also still as though they had never been touched. His tongue moved with mine and it was as though sweet pleasure had been awaiting us this whole time. I could hear him softly pant after releasing him. We could barely catch our breath and yet we were both still so interlocked with each other. His head rest upon my chest and the warmth of holding him was one of the best feelings I had felt. My father had prepared a ball and was not attending but wanted me to go in his place. He said I could bring a plus one if I found one for Juleka ( which I did - rose / of course 😎 ) . And I was excited to finally go with the person I had been dying to call mine.

Author's here! Hope you enjoyed Luka's side of the story! Make sure to read the next part to find out how the ball goes! ( MAJOR smut warning - like MAJOR 😏👌😎 ) but you'll half to what and see~ haha ok until next chapter!

Call me Master ~ ( Luka x Adrien ) Where stories live. Discover now