The banquet - The aftermath

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Adrien's POV
I rolled up to the mansion ( re reading that sounds like 90s R&B album) with the luggage in my bag I went straight into the mansion feeling all sorts of emotions. I love Luka, but was I enough? The first time doing something so intimate didn't plan out they way I thought it would. But why did it feel amazing? I could feel everything spinning as I hit the entrance to my door . The moment I walked in I threw my bags and started to the bathroom. All I could hear was the sound of my turning stomach and the bathroom flushing. I got up still feeling sick and packed the rest of my items. I left a note to Luka and one to Juleka. Juleka's letter just had me apologizing a million times and wishing her a better life, whereas Luka's... it spoke from my heart. ( you guys are gonna half to wait to find out what's in it 😏) . I paid the maids a visit telling them how the banquet was amazing and beautifully decorated, I didn't tell them how I'd be leaving though. I payed my last visit to the doctor who had helped me so much. Actually as I got there I asked him to diagnose me since I'd been feeling so bad it was then something even worse came to my surprise.

3rd POV
( right as Adrien walks in the doctors office)

AD: " doctor....?" I looked around the grey filled room. Only to notice the surgical bed I had once woken up on.... with Luka by my side.  I crept up to the handle holding all my tears in. Will I make any future memories with him? I shook my head and quickly forgot about those thoughts. I needed to leave for Luka, maybe he'll find someone better than me. (I'm breaking my own heart with that line 😭)

DOC: " Adrien? Ah it's nice to see you!"
He zooms past his desk over to me

DOC: " it's good to see your recovered, but you don't look so well?"

AD: " actually that's what I'm here for, I'll be going on a mini vacation soon so I'd like to see if you could give me some antibiotics?"

DOC: " no problem! Just sit up here and I'll get you tested !"

3rd POV
The doctor checks the usual hearing his symptoms until.... he reaches his wrists. He looked at Adrien in shock with no words only to look up and down again rushing off for more supplies.

AD: " what's wrong? Is there something bad?"

DOC: " quite the contrary! I'm gonna do a few more tests to be sure , can you lay down and pull up your shirt?"

AD: " yeah... sure, why?" ( Adrien's super clueless)

DOC: " it's just as I thought ! Your pregnant" those words echoed in my head. This can't be happening right? Wait..., this means I get to hold onto a piece of Luka then right? I got off the bed and rushed out feeling even more overwhelmed than before.

DOC: " wait! Where are you going?!"

AD: " on vacation " I sped threw the halls even faster graving my bags to the door, but where was I gonna go? How was I gonna get there. I reached the top of the grand staircase ( like directly in front of Luka's  huge doors) I stoped myself only to see a car pull in the doors opening. I ran to the back stairs leading to the rose garden, then left threw the back doors only to see an ominous black car pull up. Without thinking and the door being quickly opened I jumped in.

Luka's POV
After packing my things I tried to rush back home only to hope that Adrien was still there waiting. I pulled into the driveway and ran up threw the doors as fast as I could. I realized that he wasn't there I stood there for a min before hearing frantic yelling. " ADRIEN! ADRIEN WAIT!" I turned to the my right only to see the doctor running and yelling after Adrien.

LU: " what's going on doctor?"

DOC: " we need to find Adrien!" Without a seconds thought I immediately nodded and thought I'd the first place he'd go, the rose garden. I rushed threw the halls as the doctor followed behind me. As I arrived I saw a black car pull out of the distance.

DOC: " did you find him?"

LU: " he got away, what was this all about anyway I never called any of you to stall him"

DOC: " unfortunately the reason is a lot more serious than that....." I got confused by the words he just said and the look in his face made me even angrier.

LU: " what do you mean exactly?" I said it with a direct harsh tone.

DOC: " well... you see..."

LU: " spit it out already!"

DOC: " Adrien's pregnant" all the life drained from my face at that point I had no words...

DOC: " and from what I heard from all the other maids is that all his stuff is gone and he has not intention of coming back" I power walked up to my room. I looked around frantically only to look for something that proved he was here. Everything was gone even the bed sheets had been replaced. It then I saw his letter.;

I hope you read this when I'm long gone, I don't know if I could go threw with this if I saw you again. The moments we spent together mean so much to me. And the time we had together was worth more than any type of money. Don't think for a seconds that the reason I'm leaving is your fault, I know you couldn't control it, and as much as I'd hoped it had gone a bit more smoother, I DON'T REGRET IT. To be honest, when your father pulled me away that day... he said something interesting, the only reason I was tolerated was because I was an omega. I realized you deserve so much more than me. Please tell Juleka how sorry I am, and find someone better.

Sincerely, Adrien"

LU: " fuck"

Author here hope you enjoyed this part stay tuned for the next chapter! What's Luka gonna do? And who was that mysterious person in the car? 🤗 you'll have to wait and see.

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