Room of Puppets

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"You seem awfully in a good mood today, Y/n" F/n chimes as he entered the demoness's room. In his arms were bundles of sheets.

Y/n shifted in her sit and only gave a glance before smiling brightly, "Why wouldn't I be in a good mood? I already destroyed that annoying piece of a roof after all" Y/n responded, delighted.

F/n hums in understanding and continued placing the sheets down and began removing the covers of her bed and pillows. His eyes trained on his chore as Y/n stuck her nose in her diary.

"Are there any plans today? You know, something exciting?" Asked Y/n as she placed the worn out book down to her table, looking at F/n.

The male kakushi shrugged his shoulders, continuing on his objective. "I don't know. I think their sending one of the pillars to search for the sound hashira" he mentions, thinking nothing of it.

They were beginning to get suspicious at the fact that Uzui was taking too long on his mission. Especially now that the village where his mission took place was nowhere to be found when they sent a kakushi to investigate.

"Geez, so you mean nothing fun will happen? Oh c'mon!~ I'm getting bored"she grunted. She stretches her back, groaning as she felt relief fall upon her rusty bones. "That fight with Rui really did a number in me" she admitted in her head, scratching her head.

F/n gulped nervously at he statement. He knows what she's capable of. . . especially now that she's beginning to get bored.

He swiveled to her direction, sweat dripping from his face. "Please be calm, Y/n. We can't have you destroying the place again, you just destroyed the roof" he reminded her only for the demoness to huff and puff her cheeks.

"What? But isn't it good that I destroy the place now? So it's like one time fix or something?" Y/n explains, flicking her wrists as her lips twitched in annoyance.

The male laughs cautiously. He was like talking to a child, a small insignificant trigger could set her off by what he's just about to say. "But the kakushi's might get tired and they'd hate you" F/n uttered to the red eyed demoness.

She only pouts at him as she crossed her arms while leaning to the table. "So? My boredom comes first. She argued, slightly glaring at him, her lips buried in a frown.

F/n could only sigh before continuing on his chore. "I'll bring you some new supplies for your diaries, is that enough?" He asks. "Oh god. My wallet's gonna be dry like a pond in summer"

Y/n gasps, her frown and glare ceasing. "Ok then!" She exclaims happily. Grabbing her other diary, she stumbles up and hops to shelf and slips it perfectly back in place.

Turning to him, her lips were lifted in a tight grin. "When are you gonna buy it?"

Pursuing his lips forward, his eyebrows creased, thinking of a date for his shopping. "I think. . . maybe this Tuesday?" he guessed, unsure. He turns to her and nods, "Yeah, Tuesday" he confirms.

"Why Tuesday?" Y/n asks, tilting her head cutely at him making a blush cover his cheeks.

Coughing, he avoided her piercing gaze and replies, "It's because everyone hates Mondays. . . "

". . . What?"

.                                                               .
.                                                               .

"Good morning, Oyakata-sama" Muichiro greets in a low hushed tone, keeping his eyes down in respect for the man.

"Hello Muichiro" Kagaya greets back, his smooth voice calming the boy.

"Are you prepared to venture out?" He continues, his dull lavender colored eyes staring out in his presumed location of the mist hashira.

A small smiles appears on the boy's face and looks up to meet his gaze, "Yes I am, Oyakata-sama" he replies.

Kagaya's soft smile brightens at the response. "That's good to hear"

"Are you nervous? The sound hashira, Tengen had disappeared out of the blue after all" the master asks.

Wind howled through them, leaving only silence as it soon left. All was tranquil. . . slow and steady, as if time stood place.

". . . I would be lying if I said I wasn't, Oyakata-sama. Uzui was one of the strongest hashira after all" Muichiro admits, scoffing at the memory of the flamboyant man.

"Indeed. Find him for us quickly and gain information. The kakushi that we sent there is waiting for you. Be sure not to make any trouble" Kagaya tells him, the smile of his still in place.

Muichiro nods and bows once again before disappearing in a split second. Silence once again filled the place, the smile of Kagaya slowly falters as he felt a slight panic overwhelm him.

The fact that he couldn't rely on his talent alone makes him nervous. His slight glimpse in the future during his slumber was not giving the exact help he wants to have. The dreams he had wished to get wasn't  showing and instead gave him no dreams at all. Even if there was a dream, the dream would only show a room full of puppets. . .he didn't know what that would mean.

"Does it symbolize that we're going right through his plan? The plan he's now executing properly?. . . that would maybe explain the room of puppets. . ." The cursed man thought, his body tense as his mind thought about what Muzan would usually do.

This was not his plan.

It was another's—

"Oyakata-sama!!" Y/n's loud voice rings throughout the house.

The man sighs as the door leading to their platform snap open with the childish demoness stomping inside with a nervous F/n glued to her waist, seemingly wanting to drag her away from the disrespect she's causing.

"What is it, Y/n?" He questions the girl, smiling warmly at her lively presence.

"F/n was being mean again!" She cried out as she tried shrugging the male off her waist.

"I-I wasn't Oyakata-sama! I s-swear!" F/n stammered as he lets go of his hold on the girl's waist, sweat dropping at her tattletale personality.

Kagaya chuckles softly and softly pats the demoness's head as she crawled to his side as she argued with the male kakushi.


"I am not! So stop lying to Oyakata-sama!"

"Hah! No way!"

"Why you little—


The man watched as the two 'children' ran around the room. The rowdy presence makes him remember the three boys in the medical building.

Smiling as he watched them chase around, it felt like everything was in peace.

He's not gonna lie. He is a bit biased towards the childish demoness.


Ps. I wrote this on tablet so it maybe cramped

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