Roof pt. 2

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Everyone including the hashiras stared as both the Kakushi they barely knew fought physically with the demoness.

They were like kids roughhousing.

"Ouch! Hey! Don't pull out my hair!" Y/n screams as F/n accidentally pulls her hair back.

Startled, he immediately let's go only for Y/n to grab his wrist and throw him over her shoulder.

"ACK!" He coughed as his back landed on the wooden floor harshly.

"Ooh" the hashiras whistled, wincing as they once knew how that would feel like.

Let's just say that all the kakushis that handled Y/n before was trained to have the physique to sustain injuries and not to be a wimp basically.

"I guess I'll get another purple bruise then" F/n groaned in his head.

"I told you not to pull my hair!" Y/n fumed, her scalp aching at where he pulled it.

"What?! You're a demon! Why would I need to be careful around you?!" He fumed, clearly annoyed at the girl.

"You know why! So shut up!" She screams back before huffing and kicking the price of roof away.

By this time, the sun had already somewhat got down. It was still quite bright but only enough as there was no sun in sight.

"Im going back" Y/n mumbles and enters the home.

The hashiras stared at the broken roof and looked back to their dear master.

"Are you safe to go back in, Oyakata-sama? Would you like to have one of us lend you a room in our estates?" Shinobu asks, a smile still on her face. Kanao still looking dazed beside her.

"Im thankful for your offer, Shinobu. But we are all fine to stay here" he replies to her, placing his cup down, the tea now cold.

Turning to his wife, he smiles, "Amane, please prepare the beds. The children must be sleepy" he tells her.

"Of course" she replies and stands up to go prepare their rooms.

Turning again to the hashiras, his eyes soften, "Please return to your estates and rest. You may all have a free night since Y/n had wasted the time for you all to go into a rest" he says and began sitting up with the help of his two daughters.

They all nodded and bowed one last time before disappearing, hurrying to their estates to quickly rest for the night.

Unbeknownst to them all, Y/n hid behind the wall and smirked hearing the information.

"Mission: eating time is a success!~ Onii-sama better thank me when his job's complete" Y/n thought before quickly walking down the hall.



Ok so I got lazy again, so it was also short but I think this is enough.

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