Chapter17-SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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    "We've been here for three hours, can we get out already. My legs are cramping." Cole whines.

     "Cole, can you shut up already. You aren't the one having to do what your doing and having to hold up a god-damn shield. No zip it or I will make you." I say. Cole glares at me, but then he looks away defeated. Jesssica giggles, but then shuts up when I look at her.

    After another two hours of Cole whining we finally make it the island. "Okay, so does everybody know the plan?" I ask.

    "Yes." I hear groaning in response.

    "Come on guys, we have to be alert. We can not get caught, the rest of the world depends on us."  I hear another round of groaning in response.

    "Really, like we haven't heard that from every single book and movie ever!" Lina rolls her and laughs.

    "Except this time it's for real, this isn't just a book or movie it's real life. So all that other things in the books are BS." I put up my hands and a silver, opaque color begins to rise around us. When it gets to the top it changes color and we are able to see everything.

    "Okay people, we are going to find a few people and morph into them." I lead the group to the entrance of the place, and create a portal to let us pass through it. We get inside the building, and pass by a computer. I walk up to it and stick my pinky finger into it. I get blasted by a frenzy of files, and I figure out everything.

    "Okay people, she is in room C368, and there is a trap going on. She is guarded by 40 guards all hidden by invisible shields. The weakest guards are the ones with the ability to create little light balls and the one who is able to create cotton. We take out the rest and take those two and Lilly. Got it?" Everybody nods their heads and we continue walking. We finally come upon 8 guards walking probably going back to their shift from lunch.

    Okay people I walk right into them, absorb them into my shield and take them out. Use their clothes to blend in okay? I send the message to everyone's brain. They all nod and we launch into them. At first the don't know what is happening, but after a second they realize it's an ambush. One sends out a piercing scream. Luckily, the noise didn't get out of my shield. I send a sticky substance out through my fingers to his mouth. Another one sends a yellow type liquid that hits the ground to my left. It hisses and the ground dissolves. I focus and change the shield to an electric shock type of one. I send out a wave of air to all the guards and they hit the shield. They all lie on ground shaking, we take their clothes and put them above our other clothes.

    We continue to walk with the shield down. We get into the hall and find room C368. We enter and we find Lilly sitting in a chair staring straight at us, smiling.

    "Hello brother would you like to meet my friend. I believe you two have met before. She had to leave in the middle of the battle last time. Say hi Violet."  I turn just as a fox kicks my legs, I stumble beneath my own feet. I fall.

    "Sorry I didn't get to finish you off last time, hopefully I can this time. Now guys!" Violet yells. Though this time we are ready for them, Jessica sends a cyclone around the room. It passes through everyone, but us. It has every single guard there. I nod my head and Sam sends out three snowballs which explode freezing everyone except us. I quickly start moving around. I touch my fingers to the struggling guards, as they fall asleep the ice unfreezes. Finally, I come upon Violet.

    "Not very tough now, huh?" I mock as I put her head between my fingers. She passes out, I grab her and the other two guards. I take them to the group and walk over to Lilly. She is trying to break free from the ice. I put my fingers on her head, but she doesn't fall asleep. She is resisting me. I focus all my energy on her and she finally falls asleep. I take her and get to the group.

    "Okay everybody ready? This is going to be a little bumpy." I focus and everybody else begins to turn into pixels. I feel my body lighten and disappear. I blink then suddenly open my eyes. I look around and see some type of things that are my friends and the guards. We all look like some version of energy waves. All around us there are some types of waves radio waves, light waves, gamma rays.

    Some starts pulling me and my friends in. The school. We finally get sucked into a satellite and get teleported to the school. We pass into the school wires and end up at a computer. The computer loads us into a type of machine and makes us materialize right there. We feel ourselves and make sure every body part is there. We finish and grab the body guards, Violet, and Lilly to the science lab. They rush them onto tables and start some type of surgery. They get hooked up and their blood get pumped.

    The blood is a weird color, and we are all astonished. It's black. Not red, but black. We all look at it as it passes through the tubes. It doesn't turn back to red as it passes through the tubes. I decide to try something. I walk up to Lilly and touch her head. I feel her power course through my veins and install itself in my head. As well as the rest of the powers I have there. I go up to the cushion maker. I focus all the light energy into his body, allowing it to travel everywhere in his body. I look down and see all his veins are shinning white. I feel like it's done and I bring all the darkness to my hand. I block it from going into my body, I look over to check his blood and it's red. We all clap in relief and I move on to the next one. I take the ball and insert it into his blood. His blood looks like a vortex of nothingness. O focus my light into him like the other one and the exact same thing happens again. I take out the ball of darkness and this time it's twice the size. I move onto Violet, she looks peaceful in her sleep. I insert the darkness in her body and start the process. It's harder this time the darkness is thicker. I focus more on taking out the darkness. It works. The ball is four times it's original size. I move onto Lilly and put the darkness into her. The machine starts beeping faster and faster.

    "What's happening?!" I yell over the noise of the beeping.

    "The darkness is block her blood her heart can't pump anymore blood!" Cries one of the lab workers. The heart monster beeps faster and faster. Then finally a long Beeeeeeeeppppp! My eyes start to tear up. I pick up her body and cry. Suddenly, my tear drops turn into light spots on her body. Her body dissipates into little balls of light and fly out of the door. We all follow the lights as they fly straight up. They take a turn toward the sunset, and grow brighter as they go into the sunset. Finally, they look as though they have reached the sun. Then there is an explosion of the light and their gone.

    I wipe my tears as I look to the rest of the group they are all teary eyed, too. Some comes over to Vanessa and whispers something into her ear.

    "Justin, we need to go. The Battle will start in a hour."

    "How does it start if we don't have Lilly?" I ask.

    "We still have you, Justin, We still have you..." Vanessa whispers.

End of Book 1.
Hey people I know this book was way past short, but there is still so many more books to come. All the rest of the series will be title after the books. I will make some changes on how the other books are formatted. I will also be writing another book about other things.

The next book of this series will be called "The Battle of Light"

And always remember


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