Chapter 5- SAFTG (Serent Academy For The Gifted)

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    After we go to Island City we took a short car ride to the middle of nowhere and took a secret hidden car to the Academy.

    It was pretty big to not be noticed. I don't know how Google earth or a hiker didn't see this place.

    As if reading my mind Vanessa answers,"We have a minder with the ability to create illusions."

    We walk into the main building. Vanessa explains,"The academy is set into different parts. There was the offices (main buildings), the classrooms which is one huge building, and the elemental arena room. The elemental arena room is by lake which is free to everybody. The last three are the security building, the cabin mansions, and the mall. Since we aren't allowed to leave often, they built a mall for us."

    "Cool!" I say. We walk into the office building and go up to the lady in the front office. She is about 39 and wears little make-up but it seemed like her appearance would change every few seconds. She looked beautiful. Vanessa seemed jealous as I looked at her.

   Vanessa interrupts by saying,"Lara here's  ability is to change her appearance to look beautiful to the person who is looking at her. It is kinda like an illusion. The only way to know how she really looks is through a camcorder or camera."

    "Oh." Is all I say. I suddenly felt bad for her, she was never allowed the chance to show her true beauty.

    "Name," asks Lara.

    "Justin Nighlock."

    "Date of Birth?"

    "April 27, 1998."

    "Abilities?" I look over to Vanessa and she covers for me.

    "He is The Minder." Lara looks up and a smile creeps up onto her face.

    "Finally this war can end." she says finally,"You are officially in side the academy's system. You are in cabin Multipowers."

    "Awesome, you're in my cabin." Vanessa says. I suddenly feel my cheeks warm up.

    "Cool. Now let's go." I struggle to say trying to hold back my happiness. I grab my key schedule and we leave.


We walk into the cabin and I see only four other people.

    "Justin this is Sam aka Samuel and he controls water and ice. This is Jessica and she controls air and lightning. Jack here controls earth and plants. I won't forget about Lina she has all abilities of the body, like superspeed, super strength, etc. Lastly, we have Cole he can turn into any animal aka a shape shifter. Everybody else this is Justin Nightlock he's The Minder." Vanessa finishes.

    I see everybody form a line. One by one they give me a hand shake. First was Jessica she had long blonde hair and amazing silvery eyes. She was beautiful, but not as beautiful as Vanessa. Next was Cole he had dark brown hair. He had two different eye colors one eye was blue and the other was brown. It was pretty cool. After came Sam and his eyes were obviously blue.

   (A/N If you have not noticed all of the abilities here correspond with their eyes color except mind controllers, they have whatever eye color.)

    Lina was next she had amazing purple eyes. I think that might be for shape shifters. Lastly, Jack came after and had very dark brown eyes.

    After I got all settled, I went into my room and unpacked. I finished and came out of my room and began to read my schedule.

1.Mind abilities training.

2.History of our Kind.

3.Fire training.

4.Water training.

5.Air training.

6.Earth training.

7. Body training.

8.Shapeshifter training.

    Vanessa walks over and reads my schedule and shrieks.

    "What!" I yelled as I use telekinesis and make my self hit the ceiling.

    "Oops, sorry. It's just that we have all the same classes." She squeals.

    "But why do we have the same classes aren't we supposed to just be in our own abilities?"I ask

    "Well, that's what you might think," she continues while plopping herself onto the couch,"you see we need to have all those classes because it will help us find their weaknesses. So if we get attacked by Hunters we will know their weaknesses and use them to our advantage."

    "Oh, okay. Can we go explore the academy?" I ask

    "Sure, let's go." she says ask we begin to walk out of the house.

    This place might be a lot of fun.


This is a little boring, sorry but it will get interesting soon enough. Bye!! -Jerry


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