Chapter16- SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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Vanessa V.S. Jessica- Vanessa
Justin V.S. Cole- Justin
Samuel V.S. Luke- Luke

Fights left:
Lina and Jack
Round 2
Round 3


    "The last battle for round one will be Lina and Jack." The door opens and Lina and Jack look at each other. With confidence in their eyes, they put up their fists.

    "GO!" Jack starts an earthquake, but Lina is fast and starts flying. She laughs, but screeches and ducks as a huge rock flies by her head. Jack laughs and he uses rocks to propel himself towards Lina. Lina flies up and drop towards Jack. She puts her hand in front of her and starts twisting herself at super sonic speed. She even has a mini twister going on behind her, Jack widens his eyes before he makes impact with Lina. You can hear a giant sonic, BOOM! Jack and Lina are unable to be seen with all the dust lying around so Jessica clears the air. Lina is standing up, her hand on her waist, and a sassy grin on her face. Jack on the other hand is unconscious, and his body has left a mark on the floor. Lina grabs him and drags him into the room. They give him a potion and he wakes up.

    "Okay, so now onto round two. First up is, Vanessa and Luke." They both look at each other and walk to the opposite sides of the battle ground.

    "GO" Luke makes the first move, by putting a green shield like thing around him. Vanessa makes a puddle of lava around her, and stretches is about 6 feet in diameter. She bends two tentacles to her arm, Vanessa throws one to Luke. It hits Luke's shield and just bounces off. Vanessa widens her eyes, then Luke shoots a beam at her. She quickly makes a wall of hardened lava, and it just collapses with the beam. Vanessa grabs it and it stays in her hand, and she starts moving it around. She smiles and makes it burn brighter and it turns into a blue fire, with a strange twinge of green. She absorbs it into her body.

    The outside of her body becomes a fiery-red color, her irises turn orange with a little brown, and the tips of her hair turn orange like fire. Then out of now where fire begins to gather on her back and they become wings. They are literally made out of fire. We all stand there amazed, she looks beautiful.

    Luke falls out of his trance and shoots a beam of healing, she redirects it back to him. He absorbs it back into his body. Vanessa flaps her wings and flies into the sky. Luke jumps and uses his beam to support him. He tries kicking her in the stomach, but she flies out of the way. Luke loses his balance and falls. Knowing that won't knock him out, Vanessa turns around and flaps her wings so hard it creates a giant gust of wind. It hits Luke and he hits the ground instantly. He is on the ground passed out, everybody starts clapping. The teachers run out, and check Vanessa. They all look astonished.

    "She has reached, her full potential. She has finished her training she is a full master. Except this is the fastest person to finish their entire training. Almost everybody never finishes their training, only a few of them make it. The six will always finish their training, just not always at the same time. You all will finish it soon." Mrs.Smart says. "Three other people here have finished their training. They are me, Mr.Soaked, and Mrs.Strong. Let's continue with the battles next up is Lina and Justin."

    Lina and I walk to the opposite sides of the battle arena. "GO!" Lina suddenly claps her hands and a wave of sounds hits me. Sonic boom. I fly back to the wall and I wreath in pain. She super speeds next to me and punches my jaw hard. I tap her stomach, she falls to the ground, screaming in pain. Only it's not screaming, its screeching. It hurts my ears, I touch my ears and I feel a sticky liquid running down my ears. Blood. I get up weakly and aim my hand at her mouth. A gum like substance flies out of my hand and latches onto her mouth. She shuts up, but then punches my jaw with her superstrength.

    I hit the wall, but before she gets up I send vines to grip her arms and legs. I get up weakly and walk over to her. She struggles and one of the vines starts ripping. I reattach it and touch her forehead. She's out cold. "Justin, wins!" I use my healing powers to heal myself.

    "Round 3 is Vanessa and Justin, go to your spots." We walk to the spots and look at each other. We quickly smile at each other, before "GO!". Vanessa closes her eyes and opens them, they are orange. Damn it. She smiles at as she transforms. Vanessa puts her palms together and slowly opens them. She throws it at me, I block it with a forcefield. Though it is so strong that is cracks my shield and it smashes me into the wall. She creates lava around herself and makes three snakes out of it. She sends them at me.

    The snakes shoot lava at my feet, the ground there melts. A snake goes to bite my leg, I teleport behind Vanessa and freeze the lava behind her. She doesn't look like she notices it. I walk behind her and freeze my hand, I reach at her neck. She turns around just in time and hits me right in the chest. I feel like somebody concentrated the entire heat of the sun right onto my chest. I wreath in pain and she walks up to me. I kick her leg and she drops to the floor. I quickly touch her forehead and she passes out.

    "Justin wins!" Everybody walks in and cheers. Vanessa wakes up and looks angry. She quickly changes her emotion to a happy one. Then Mrs.Smart rounds us up.

    "Come on children, let's go. We need to prepare you for the mission." We walk to the living room and the teachers stop. Mr.Gravel pushes a button on the back of a sculpture. The floor pops up and expands. It opens up to reveal a map and some clothes. One is red, the next is blue, then black, white, silver, purple, pink, green, and yellow.

    "These clothes will help you stay hiden, and with your powers. You must wear these." Mrs.Smart hands one to each of us and tells us to go change. After a few mintues almost everybody is done.

    "Hurry, up Cole !!" Yells Luke

    "Well sorry, for not liking purple!" He yells back.

    "Don't worry dude nobody is going to laugh!" Sam cries. Cole opens the door and walks out. Everybody except for the teachers start laughing. Mr.Soak starts with a grin, but Mrs.Strong elbows him in the stomach. 

    "Okay, does everybody have their weapons?" We all nod. "So we will drop you off here on this island. It will take you atleast 4 hours to get to their island. You will have exactly 15 hours to get Lilly from there, you will each join hands with Justin. He will then turn you into radiowaves and you will get absorbed into the school's satellite. Finally, you will get taken out of the digital world, by our machines, got it. You must go now or you will not make it."

    The plane lands and drops up off. We look over and see the magnificent sunrise. Me and Sam look at each other and start making everyone get into the water. We start making a bubble, and soon it is surrounding everyone. Then we venture into the unknown, nervous and scared.


    Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Anyways please, pretty please


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