Chapter7 SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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    I have been running for awhile, about three days to be exact. These ninja like people have been attacking me. Ever since that Friday after-school...

    I was walking home, passing through the woods right by my house. You see I live in Oregon. I was about ten minutes from my house, when I hear a whistle. It was like the one Katniss sings in The Hunger Games to the mocking birds. It was just deeper and sounded more devious. I look around and see nothing. I decide to keep on walking. Five minutes 'till I get home. Out of the corner of my eye I see a dark shadow jump out of nowhere.

    Instinctively I jump back and he hits the floor. His muzzle is stuck in the ground and when his pops back up he growls very loudly. I back up and that is when the arrow almost hits me. I hear it whizz past me and hit the tree in front of me. The shooter must have had lots of training because it goes right through the tree and into the next.

    "Who are you!" I yell.


    "We are the people who were sent to kill you," Shouts a third person as he jumps and lands in the spot I was in a few seconds ago. He pulls his hand out of the ground and some how makes a column of rocks.

    "What are you people!" I shout.

    "Exactly what you are!" he responds as he shoots a rock straight at my chest. I feel a sudden pain and then it is gone. Poof! I look down and see no trace of the rock or a wound. As fast as it came into my body it comes out and accurately hits the attacker in the exact spot it hit me. He falls to the fall with groan and begins to mumble profanities  in pain. He then groans and his body stiffens.

    I killed somebody. Is all I can think. I still dodge attacks. I feel a pain and I look down. I see a huge burn, but in seconds it disappears. I smile and realize that I can heal very fast.

    "If you have not realized, you have the ability to heal." Says a fourth figure as he pops out of the woods. He sends a water cannon out of thin air at me. I flip out and hold out my hands. A green like beam swirls out of my hands and hits the water. The water disappears and every ninja stands there astonished.

    "How did you do that?" Yells out a fifth person. A girl seemingly year younger than I. I'm fifteen. She walks out of a ball of light. She walks over to me and the ninjas stand in an attack position.

    "Down." she commands. They loosen up and relax, but they still look stiff and uptight. She glides over to me. She is wearing a white dress and has brown hair. She is truly beautiful, but something throws me off. She doesn't seem okay, she has an evil glint in her eyes.


   "Lilly he's open let's get him." one of the ninjas says.

    She puts up her hands and shoots a white light at me. I put up my hands and shoot my healing light, that is what I am calling it, at her. The beams converge and the middle between them begins to enlarge. Within seconds it becomes a gigantic ball of green and light. It blows up. I take this as my chance to run. I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I stop at a crossroad. I cannot decide. It is either my house or towards the next part of civilization. I feel a salty tear run down my face as I say my goodbye in my head to my house and my family. Everything I have ever known is what I will be leaving behind.

    I go to the road with nearest civilization. I finally stop when I am out of breath. I realize I am already in the town. I have tears running down my face. I just left everything. Friends, family, and memories.

Now I am here, I know there are more people like me. I have heard from people that there is a secret academy called Serent Academy for the Gifted. That is where I plan to go. I know it will be a long journey, but I have gotten help from people like me who are good. They have given me supplies like food, water, and a tent. Some have helped me train I am pretty good now.

    I must go I have been here for too long. I am only allowed to stay at a location for one day. I guess I should start my journey to Serent. I walk out of the person's house and being my long journey.


Ooh a new character. I wonder what will happen to them. What is their name. Will they make it or will they be captured by Hunters. What do you think will happen comment it. Well bye for now.


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