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Justin's Point of View

    "Come on people we have exactly, 54 mintues and 32 seconds!" Cries the principle. Everybody is rushing around in the front gate of the school. Little kids are scrambling to the teachers that would keep them the safest. A sudden urge pulls me up making me fly high into the air. My body turns numb and I feel as if I'm departing from my body. I look around and see a bright light. It dims and I realize it's me, well my body. I look around and see astonished faces. My body finally stops and I am sucked back into my body. I free-fall to the Earth.

    I can't move my body it's as if I was shot with ice. My body is about to hit the grounds, as if by magic my body stops. I'm floating in mid-air!! I scream but no sound comes out. As sudden as the light came, it's gone. I look down and see my body. I am wearing a glowing white pair of robes. They slither their way down all the way to my feet. I realize I'm shoeless, I hold out my hands and vine like ropes swoosh, out of my hands. I retract them and notice my light insignia is glowing brighter than ever.

    I focus all my energy and ghostly like tentacles float around my body. I look to Vanessa and she goes to full power. The others get their weapons ready, too. I feel a sudden disturbance in the wind and so does Jessica. She looks at me with a face full of fear, I return the look.

    "Hey, ummm principle I think you go the time wrong. The Battle is starting right now!" Just as we hear the first explosion. Everything and everybody scrambles behind me in fear. Well Lilly hopefully I can make you proud...

    I fly up and see my dad leading his army, everybody around me stares at me guidance. Well I guess I gotta lead my army, too.

    "Well go get'em!" Cries my father.

    "For the world!!" I yell," Now charge!" The armies clash and instantly there is blood everywhere. I look for my team and finally find them. I make a grim face, and we all charge forward.


So that was the epilogue of my first book. Hope you liked it! There is more books coming. Look for the sequel of this book it's called The Battle of Light! It might not come out quite yet, but it will come out. Thanks people!! See ya later! Also, don't ever forget to do this on every book you read...


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