Chapter15-SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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Sorry if there are mistakes, it isn't edited.


    That night was pretty quiet, all that was heard were the chirping of crickets. Even then the noise was scarce. I hear footsteps, and there is a knock on the door. "Justin, can I come in?" asks Vanessa.

    "Sure, c'mon in." I say. She opens the door and walks in. She takes a look at me and I decide to break the silence,"Couldn't sleep?"

     "I guess you couldn't either." I was still wearing the clothes from that day and was on top of the covers. I sit up and motion for her to sit on the bed. She takes a seat, and I see a single tear fall from her eye. I catch it and focus on. It glows for a few seconds then hardens into a crystal like tear. I stand up and walk over to my drawer. I fish out a chain and open a hole through the crystal. I walk over to her and hand it to her.

    "Justin, it's beautiful" she looks at me and then looks at the necklace. Then she looks at me and kisses me. It feels amazing, it's passionate and wild like fire. Nothing else is on my mind except for her lips, but she wants more. She kisses me harder, and so do I. I feel connected to her, like we are meant to be together.  Finally, she releases and we take our breaths.

    "Aren't you still dating, Shawn?"

    "No I broke up with him as soon as I woke up. I found him kissing another girl at the lake. He said that he was sorry, but I didn't believe him he is just a jerk." She stands up. "Well I think we should both get some sleep, since we have a mission tomorrow." With that she walks to the door, but as she opens it to people which I know very well fall to the floor. Cole and Jessica.

     "Ummm, we were just going to the fridge for a midnight snack." Cole nervously says. He and Jessica get up, and stick out their tongues at us. Vanessa shakes her head and laughs. She looks at me winks, touches her newly made necklace, and walks away with Jessica pestering her with question.

    Cole sits down next to me," So, what happened with you and Vanessa?" Cole waggs his left eyebrow and laughs. My face turns red and I smack him on the back of the head.

    "Nothing really happened, we just kissed. Since, she broke up with Shawn. She knocked on the door and came in. She got really scared and cried a little. I turned one of her tears into a crystal. Made it into a necklace for her, then we just kissed."

    Cole laughs,"You sure that was the only thing you guys did?" I nod and punch him in arm. I laugh, but it feels awkward because of the silence of the building.

    "Well, we should get some shut-eye we have a big mission tomorrow." I tell him and he stands up to leave. He waves goodnight and I do the same. Going to sleep at 12 am, hopefully I get enough sleep. On that thought I fall asleep.


    "Father, the Battle of Light approaches in less than 65 hours, we must start getting prepared." Lilly finishes and grabs some files, which she gives to her father.

    "We do have a plan it's you. Or plan search and capture. We pretend you are just walk around then when they show up to save you we ambush them and take them captive also. Then we finish off the rest of them, while we keep the ones under my control. Then we take over the world." He pushes a button and the speaker turns on. "Please, call violet to my office."

    "Yes, sir." Three minutes later there is a knock on the door.

    "Come in." Violet walks in with pure black leather jacket, purple t-shirt, long black shoes, a hand gun on her belt, a knife in her left boot, and a bow slung across her shoulder with arrows on her back. She takes a seat on a chair across from. She nods hello to and takes her seat. "I need you to being commencing plan Search and Capture."

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