Chapter10-SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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    The telekinetic shoots a rock at me, but I grab it using my telekinesis and throw it back at her. It hits her in the stomach and she slumps. She is not dead just passed out. I remind myself. I close my eyes and concentrate. I feel footsteps to my left. I open my eyes and immediately shoot vines to detain. He struggles but I hold him down.

    He teleports out of the vines and appears right next to me. Before I realize what happened he kicks me in the gut and I fall to the floor. I focus and concentrate. I say "Nightmare" and he falls to the ground asleep. In seconds I hear his blood curdling screams. I flinch and decide to see what he is dreaming. His dream is about all of his friends dying a painful death, while he has to watch. I feel bad for him, so I decide to snap him out of his nightmare. I command him to just sleep and in seconds his body loosens up.

    I take a left, then a right, after I take another right, I sense another presence. I jump and kick the person. That is when I realize it's not human it's a lion. I freak out and remember it is just a Shapeshifter. I grab its muzzle and throw it to the wall. It turns back into a human. The person is a five-foot three girl about 15 years old. She changes back almost immediately, but this time she is a tiger. I reach into her mind and see her power. Being able to shapeshift into any animal in the cat family. This power is very helpful to me. I hear a bolt of lighting whizz past me. I look over my shoulder and see a lighting controller; Male, about 17, short dark hair. I get an idea. I look over to the tiger girl and give her an illusion. I do the same for the boy. Now each of them think they are the enemies. I turn myself invisible as I walk over to them. They crash into each other and he shoots a bolt of lightning into her. She falls to the floor groaning. I freeze the lightning control and touch his hand. His power surges through me and I continue onto the girl. I feel like I'm half animal. Every power feels different, they each make you feel important, stronger than the world.

    I feel a little breeze of wind, not following the actual wind currents in here. I teleport myself from there instantly. A rock, water blast, fire body like ball, and a wind slice crash into each other. There is an explosion almost instantly. I put a shield around me and as soon as I do that the smoke around my shield disappears. I see Vanessa and Sam. Sam blows onto my shield and it freezes over. He then held out his hand and a water whip appears and he hits the shield. It breaks into millions of pieces. Water and fire surround me. Then Jack pops out of dust and almost hits me with a wind slice. I teleport out instinctively. He hits the ground and he grabs his foot. He falls to the floor and groans. I feel myself moving. I look down and see I am sinking down into a sinkhole.

    "Damn it, Jack!" My mind is racing I can't teleport because it takes concentration. I kick and scream, but can't get out. I feel something I have never felt before. Hopeless. I suddenly can't control my body, I can still see what's happening but I can't feel my limbs. I look down and notice I stopped sinking I look at Jack and he is staring at me with wide eyes. I look around and see everybody else doing the same.

    Instantly they change their face to one with determination. They all charge at me. I jump out of my body as a spirit. I can see everything around me even my body. When I look over to my body, I float there astonished. My body is covered in weird tattoos. There are three tattoos on each arm. Each representing every ability group possible. Fire, water, and earth. On the other arm I have air, shapeshifting, and body. Where is minder and healing? I figured that out as soon as I shot out a telekinetic beam. My body sends out energy waves out of my body. Jack shoots rocks at me, but I hit it with a water cannon. As if corresponding with using water, the water insignia glows, too. I notice that the power is stronger than before, way stronger. After only a minute all of my friends are on the floor, and I reenter my body. Everybody begins to cheer, and before they tell me my results I teleport away. I already know where to go, and that Luke will heal them. I walk over to the librarian as soon as I get there.

    "Bubbles, where are books about the original defenders of darkness?" I breathe out.

    "Row 13, section 6.7" he answers. I nod thanks and walk that way. I finally find the books. I grab the one that catches my eye. Defenders of Darkness abilities. Haha ironic. I grab the nearest chair, sit down, and read.


How was that? Not that long and I am sorry for that. It will get more interesting later on. BYE!:D


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