Chapter12- SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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    I jump into the air, as Lilly's vine slices through the air hitting the spot I'd been in moments ago. "Ha, missed me missed me, now you gotta kiss me!" This angers her, so she pulls a whip. As soon as she touches it, it becomes a light color. I figure out what it is, a weapon designed to kill rescuers. She tries to whip me, but fails to do so. I pull out bowstaff.

    "Even fight now, huh Lilly." I laugh as she throws a whip at me. I block it with one of my blades. I look at her and I use telekinesis to push her back. She sees this coming, so she throws her whip at the center tree. As soon as the whip hits the tree it becomes ashes.

    "Holy crap!" I cry. She stands up and throws the whip at me. It hits my hand, but instead of turning me to ashes it gets absorbed into me. The whip disappears into me, and is nowhere to be seen.

    "I wonder..." I pull out my hand and visualize the wind. It rolls out of my hand but the handle is literally in my skin. Lilly just stands there amazed, she calls for their army to retreat. Before she leaves she winks her eye and hunters grab me from behind. I try to teleport, but then I realize one of them must be a power block. Lilly jumps through the air and lands right infront of me, she pulls out a needle. The needle goes into my neck and she pushes the syringe deeper. Then she pulls the trigger on the needle. A blue like liquid leaves the syringe into my body. They throw me onto the floor and walk away into portals.

    "Bye bye big brother!" She waves her hand and disappears through the portal. I feel a tingle in me, but soon that becomes a horrible pain. It echoes through my body as a fire-acid pain. The only way to express my pain was screaming. My body begins to grow crazy and it begins to blow up stuff around me.

    People try to come come and help me, but they can't get to me because of the explosions I'm making. Finally, a teleporter grabs a mind control and teleport to me. The mind controller stops the pain and as the pain stops so do my explosions. I stand up and smell fire. I look down at my hands and see the markings, fire, water, earth, air, shapeshifting, healing, and body. I try to absorb my tattoos into my skin, but it just doesn't happen.

     "Crap." I say as I realize they are permanently stuck onto my skin forever. I immediately leave the subject for later and go see if everybody is okay. I make it to the principal, he has a worried look on his face.

    "What's wrong?" I look around and see my friends walking away. I hear him mumbling words. I ask him what he is saying, but still don't understand him. He get frustrated, and yells at me.

     "The Mágica is gone! Crap we're dead, we can't survive without the Mágica." He faceplates himself and slides down to the ground.

     "What the hell is a Mágica?" I ask. He stands up, frustrated he begins to speak.

     "The Mágica, it was created by your ancestors. You see when the dark one came, your ancestors created the Mágica. It is a necklace which gives the wearer the ability to defeat the dark one. It has the ability to absorb any ability, kinda like you do Justin. If there is only one of you guys left in the final battle it must be worn by the last one alive. It gives them the ability to use all of the others powers to defeat The Dark one. You see your ancestors, they were the most powerful beings alive. They each had one of the special abilities, but there was one who had the ability to control darkness. His ability was different, even though he was powerful he was not treated like the rest. He rarely used his powers.  Finally when he began to use his powers, he instantly became more popular. Only because he used his powers. People were only liked for their strength in their abilities. But using his powers came with a cost, every time he used them, they made him more evil."

     "He knew that, yet he didn't care at all. All he cared about was popularity, eventually the evil began to cloud his thoughts. He tried to push them away and it worked, for a little while. Then one horrible day he was showing off his abilities to his "friends" and he just couldn't controller it anymore. He let his powers go haywire, his whole entire body become absorbed by the darkness he was able to control. "

    "Before they could stop him he disappeared, but he still kidnapped many of us. He is immortal unless he is attacked by one of you, but Justin you and your sister can do more damage. Only because your mother had sexual relations with him, you contain some of his strength. Now you must get Lilly and defeat your father, but before that you need to train and learn to use your abilities. Off with you now you have to go train." He walks off and goes to his office. We run off and drop off Luke at the hospital. Then we begin training. After a while I go back to reading the book.

    The power Last Resort allows the minder to unlock it at anytime when needed. Also when using an absorbed ability the spot where the sign or "insignia" is it begins to glow. Not much else is known about the ability Last Resort. I close the book and go back to training.

    We train our abilities and especially our new one The Last Resort. After a while we go to check on Luke. He's asleep, but he's sweating and looks deathly pale, I tap his shoulder and feel his power leak into me. I see the sign of healing appear on my forehead. I start healing people, after a while Luke wakes up, but I send him to his room to go get some rest. After a few hours I am finally done, so I go to my room and take a nap. I don't think I could fall asleep, but after a few seconds I am out like a light. I don't have any dreams, but when I wake up somebody is calling me...


Sorry I haven't updated in like 11 days, I've been busy. Hope you liked it. Bye!



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