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P.S : Violent Scene

S : Violent Scene

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A deafening silence prevailed around. Silence that was screaming seeing the ruins of just fought war. The annihilation had left nothing but ashes. Bloods had flown like a perennial river. And yet it wasn't enough...more was to ooze out, more blood and more screams.

Seeing the lifeless body slumped on the ground with its heart bleeding out, Ayesha took few steps towards it. A horrified look on her face seeing once smiling face now tear strained and lifeless. He was her friend....maybe the only one.

She had never thought this would be his end. She never knew it would be her...the one behind his death. Her soul quivered and winced seeing an end because of her. She fell on her knees just in front of him who had done a grave mistake. He once loved her...as he had said.

How she wished nothing of this had happened. Nor she had met him, nor had he loved but little did she know it wasn't something of few years past. He had chosen his fate the day he met the vicious man.

She felt a soft touch on her shoulders. The hands held her strongly yet not harshly. Aiding to her legs the hands pulled her back making her look towards the person only to find deep brown sea staring her.

And then within blink of an eye something happened that was enough for shaking their already shaken selves.  The protective hands that were around her fell down and so did he. His eyes screamed the pain his voice couldn't. Her own eyes widened in fear seeing the fresh red liquid flowing.

“Mubashir...” a blood curling scream escaped her trembling lips seeing the beholder of her heart clutching his torso. Her shivering hands reached towards him making him look at her with a pained look.

A chaos erupted amongst the few men around seeing their enemy holding a gun which had shot Mubashir. Trying to capture the man again they lunged forward only to stop by his loud yelling.

“Stop or else I will shoot him.” The man bellowed pointing the nozzle towards Sultan. The men exchanged looks and peered at Sultan making him gesture to stop.

“Get away! Don't dare to follow me.” Jameel shouted and started moving towards the door limply. His guns still pointed towards them and within few moments he was out of vision.

“Baba.” Ayesha called gathering their attention towards herself and Mubashir.

“Help him.” Ayesha commanded making two of the three men come forward and hold Mubashir. Her mind was a haywire, yet she needed to do something. Jameel ran away and Mubashir wasn't in a good condition nor were their men.

“Zoheb.” She spoke adjusting her earpiece. Her call made the person on the other side tense, her voice was no less than a whisper.

“Jameel ran. Mu… Mubashir is...injured.” she spoke hastily.

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