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Mubashir's pov

Serenity a word holding much more weight than anything in this cruel world. A feeling that I get being around the people, I love. Being around my family, the one who loves me more than anything. Smiling at the scene in front of me I walked out of the room after a few minutes.

One of the most happy news for me was of baba waking up from coma. It was 20 hours later of Ayesha's accident. We didn't want him to stay more at the hospital, it could be dangerous. Uncle Sultan had suggested bringing him to his place. According to him it's better if we all stay together amidst the chaotic situation.

Lost in my thoughts I walked down large stairs into the front room. It was silent, only a few guards scattered here and there were evidence of life at that moment. Taking a seat on one of the lush couches, I texted Bilal to come with everyone.

Things were still not sorted completely. The recent attacks on our gang members and on Ayesha was a matter of concern. As decided we were going to confront all the captives from the rivalries. The leader from the human trafficking, and the one from WH-4 being at the top of the list.

While my eyes were cast down on my phone Bilal, Hamid and Ibrahim entered the house and as expected Bilal was noisy.

"Assalamoalaikum MK." Greeting me in hurry he plunged on the seat in front of me while the other two took seat beside him.

"Walekumassalam, so are we ready to leave?" Nodding at me they stood up and took few steps but stopped as Ayesha's voice echoed. I didn't want her to come but anyhow she managed to. Her eyes are that of hawk, nothing remains hidden from her. Turning around I could see the other three look at me and then at her.

"So, planned to go alone." Speaking so, she came forward and stood just in front of me. Staring deep in my eyes as if seeing pass through it.

"What's wrong? She asked.

"No we were just going to chill, nothing's wrong." Bilal spoke making me mentally face palm myself. He didn't get any other excuse but chilling.

"Everything is wrong,I can see that on your faces." She spoke glancing all of us one by one and the last one was me and her stare did last a longer creating an unknown havoc in me.

"How is nothing left from your eyes" It was Ibrahim who spoke for the first time making her raise a perfect eyebrow at him.

"It's not my fault I have my father's eyes." Once again she succeeded in amusing me. Her witty remarks that used to irk me earlier now amused me. Her smirk that was enough for me to blaze in anger now seemed beautiful. Every change in my perspective about her was so confusing that it was making me go crazy. In these two months I had seen a new side of her, the side no one had ever seen, the side which was caring and soft. The side which was her real self.

I didn't know when she went up, but when she came down I was still in my own musings. Looking at nothing particular I walked behind everyone. The ride to our underground captive's cell was expected noisy, all thanks to Bilal who was annoying Ayesha every Two minutes and god it was hilarious when he asked her about her first kiss. For a moment there was utter silence in the car and the next moment Bilal received her flying shoe. And then again he refused to give it back so the whole way she was wearing only one shoe.

Parking the car I stepped down followed by everyone except Ayesha as she was busy tying her shoes still sitting in the car. This girls sometimes act so stupid. There is less space in the car and of course she couldn't bend to tie the laces. Groaning in annoyance I took the laces and tied it myself. I could feel her stiffen, her breath was fast and warm fanning on my neck. I looked up and found her looking my way, for a second time stopped. Everything around seemed to be blurry. Looking at each other with different unknown emotions we forgot everything. It felt like eternity has passed which was just few seconds.

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