Seo Changbin

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Best friend;

She was effortlessly amazing. He knew he'd always be happy as long as she was around, because she always had that smile on her face, without even trying. She made him laugh without trying, she made him smile without trying, she made him feel so much without even trying. 

He doesn't remember them fighting, he never liked fights, specially with her. The others knew too, they knew that she had her own spot inside his heart, and no matter how many times they joked about Changbin having a soft spot for Felix, they all knew that she was something different for him. She was literally a treasure for him. A treasure that he did't realise that he was losing. 

He was losing her when he stopped paying attention, when he stopped realizing that she wasn't smiling, that she wasn't spending her mornings with him anymore, because she never slept to even wake up early. 

He was losing her when she started losing herself too. He wanted to hold her again and promise her that everything will be alright, just like how she did to him. He regrets it so much, he regrets telling Jisung that it was okay to fall in love with her, that it was okay to have her. Oh how he thought that he was helping her like that. He thought that like that she'd be happy. 

He lost her, and he knew that he'd lose himself too if she ever thinks about leaving, but it was too late, too late for him to be her best friend again, and to save her from everything that happened to her.

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now