"I'm lucky to have you."

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Suri x Hyung Line (Woojin& Chan)


It was really early in the morning that maybe even the birds were still asleep, but Woojin wasn't. He was wide awake staring outside the window, a cup of tea between his hands as he sighed every now and then. He knew that the members weren't to wake up anytime soon, because of how tired they were the day before. Which means now is the best time to have some alone time, but he didn't want to be alone. He wanted someone to be beside him, to talk to him and listen to him, but he would never tell anyone how much he needed someone beside him, how much he needed someone to listen to him. He was always the one with the shoulder to cry on, and it wasn't like the members weren't there for him, but he never ranted to any of them about what hurt him or what he had on his mind. He felt like he had to be the wise one and the good older brother they can lean on. 

"Woojin?" He heard a small voice from behind him, already knowing who it was. 

"Hey." He gave her a small fake smile, praying that she won't notice his now dried tears. 

"Why are you up this early?" She asked, rubbing her eyes still noticing her broken friend in front of her. 

"My throat hurts, so I made myself a cup of tea. I was just going back to bed." Woojin lied as he started to get up, leaving his spot in front of the window. Suri's eyes finally turning to Woojin noticing his face.

"Were you crying?-" Woojin quickly shook his head as he put the cup on the counter and tried to leave the kitchen, but Suri was faster than him as she stood in front of him now wide awake. "Oh my god, Woojin what happened?" 

"Suri seriously nothing happened. I'm tired I need to sleep, you should too." 

"I'm not going anywhere and you're not going anywhere too." Suri said seriously, blocking the door with her body even though both her and Woojin knew that he could easily leave, but he didn't, his heart wanted to push Suri away and go to his room, not wanting to worry his friend and his mind told him different, it told him to care for himself a little, to open up to someone after all those years of silence. 

"Oppa, please. I'm getting worried, whatever happened you can tell me. You know that I'm here right and I'm going to listen to you. Can we please sit down and talk? Please?" Woojin nodded as he turned around to go back to his spot beside the window, with Suri following close behind him. They both sat down in silence for a few minutes, Woojin looking outside the window while Suri looked at him wondering what could make this strong, fearless guy in front of her like this. 

"She loved early mornings-" Woojin started, still looking outside the window. Suri didn't know what he was talking about, but she didn't dare to say a word, knowing really well that right now all Woojin wanted was someone to listen to him. "She used to get up really early, have a cup of tea and read a new book." He chuckled sadly, not noticing the tears that started to fall on his face. Suri didn't move or blink, she was frozen right in front of him. 

"I used to get up as early as her, just to watch her doing her morning routines. Even though I hated waking up this early, but I loved the smile on her face while she read her book. I didn't even do anything all morning, I just stared at her and that was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I never liked tea, but I started drinking it after she made me taste hers. I never liked reading, but now I can't go anywhere without a book to read, because of how much she made me read with her. I never liked waking up early, but now all I do is waking up really early although I know she's not here to make me that cup of tea or read me one of her new books or tell me her stupid jokes while we make breakfast together. She's not here anymore and it kills me. It kills me knowing that I didn't give her the love she deserved when she was still here. It kills me every morning waking up without her. I just miss her, I haven't visited her for more than 5 months now and I know she's probably mad at me, but I hate going there knowing that no matter how much I talk to her, she's never going to answer me." 

Suri could barely see Woojin's eyes from how much tears they held, he was shaking in front of her from how hard he was crying, and it broke her. It broke her knowing that no matter how much she tries she can't fix him. She can't fix his heart. 

"Woojin-" Suri said softly, scared that any wrong word would break him more than he already is. She wiped his tears with her sweater sleeves and called his name again. "Someone once told me that no matter how far you are from the person you love, no matter how different their homes are from ours, no matter how much they don't answer when we call, they're there- They can hear us, they can see us and feel how we feel. They feel so happy when we talk to them and they talk back to us even though we may not hear them, but we must have faith that they're answering us back. That they're there. Look over there-" Suri pointed a small cloud in the light morning sky. "This is my grandmother- She's a cloud in mornings and a star in nights- She used to be a human though-" Woojin let out a small chuckle through his tears, causing Suri to smile as they continued looking at the sky. "She's an angel now- She can hear me whenever I talk to her, I know that- She told me before leaving- two hours exactly before leaving- I think she knew, but I know that she's still here no matter how old I get or no matter where I go, She follows me all the time." 

Woojin wiped his tears as he smiled at the sky, Imagining his girl as one of the clouds and his smile grew bigger. "If she was still here, she would've loved you." Woojin said, smiling widely at Suri who gave him a warm smile.

"I'm sure she was beautiful." Woojin said and looked back at the sky. 

"She is." Woojin smiled one last time at the younger girl that was sitting beside him with her eyes now glued to the sky. "I'm lucky to have you, Suri. Really lucky." 



It was too much. The hate he was getting was way too much for one person, and he didn't even know why- He didn't even know what he did wrong for all of this, yet he kept a smile on his face. He pushed all the bad thoughts and tried to continue with his day, but he couldn't- he couldn't when all he thought of was bad things- all he saw was bad things. Chan was tired, he thought of giving up, of just leaving and never going back. Maybe he shouldn't have started all of this in the first place. He was scared, scared that if he talk to anyone would think of him as a weak, irresponsible person that couldn't even stand some stupid hate. What would his members think? What would his family think of him? What would his fans think of him? 

He was tired, so freaking tired that he wanted to take a break from it all. So tired that he wanted to runaway from it all. 

"That's such a masterpiece in here Chris." Chan turned around surprised at Suri who he didn't even notice entering the room. He looked down at his notebook and noticed the lines, circles and all the weird shapes he drew without realizing. Chan closed the notebook and sighed. 

"Something is wrong with my Chris, right?" Chan decided not to answer as he stared at the now closed notebook of his. "You're pushing me away." Suri continued knowing that she won't get even a small answer from the guy in front of her.
"I read them all; the comments. You'd be more than stupid if you believe any of them- Chris, look at me." Suri grabbed Chan's face, turning it to her.

"You're amazing, Chris. You're more than amazing. There's nothing in this whole world to describe how talented and beautiful you are inside out. Chris come on, all of us won't be anywhere without you. You helped way too many people, you inspired way too many people and I'm pretty sure you saved way too many lives. You won't put yourself down because of some stupid people- My Chris is not like that. My Chris is strong and unbreakable and fearless and talented and the list can go on if I you want me to. Me and the members would risk our lives for you- don't you ever, ever put yourself down or think any less of yourself. So stop thinking, stop putting yourself down. I love you, Chris. I really do." Suri smiled softly at the guy in front of her who was now a crying mess, but he still had a small smile after the girl was done.

"I love you too, Su. I'm really lucky to have you." 

9th member; of Stray KidsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin