"We're getting Ice cream"

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Suri x Jisung

"Hey, where's Suri?" Jisung asked Minho and Changbin who were watching a movie at their dorm. Minho shrugged slightly, but Changbin gave him an answer that he didn't really like. 

"She's still at JYP's building, she said she wanted to train more." 

"What? its 11:35PM. How is she going to come on her own at that time." 

"You're whipped." Minho joked, causing Changbin to chuckle at him 

"You're whipped too." And Jisung didn't even hear what they said after that as he was already out of the house to go to Suri. It wasn't a lie that Jisung loves her attention and he was searching for her in the first place to have her attention only for him, but the idea of her being alone on the dark streets was driving him crazy. He got his phone out and called her twice but she didn't answer. Jisung almost ran to their company hoping that she was alright. The 20 minutes walk took 9 minutes from him. He took the elevator to the 2nd floor and didn't even wait to knock on the door as he just opened it, to see Suri sleeping on the floor beside her bag. He cursed her under his breathe and went to wake her up.

"Having a nice time training?" He joked and she quickly got up from her sleeping position to a sitting one. 

"I was not sleeping." "And I'm not Jisung." Suri smiled slightly at him and rubbed both her eyes.

"Why are you here anyway? and why are you sweating?"Suri asked after Jisung pulled her hands from her eyes and sat beside her. 

"I-I was checking something in the studio and our AC wasn't working." Suri nodded, too tired to even think. She got out a water bottle from her bag and gave it to Jisung, who gladly drank it all.

"Are you done with your training?" "Yes. I actually choreographed something and don't ask me to show you anything." Suri got up to collect all of her things before she could head home with Jisung

"I wasn't going to ask you to- I was going to beg." Suri couldn't help, but laugh. Jisung sensed that something with wrong with Suri, like she wasn't that happy, but before he could ask her-

"Am I a bad person?" Suri didn't look at him or even stop what she was doing. Jisung was a little taken back from the question, but he shook his head at her 

"Of course no, you're one of the best people I know out there." 

"Then why does he hate me?" Jisung stopped for a while trying to think of who she was talking about, but he couldn't get to it. He looked at her confused and she sighed-

"Hyunjin. He was here a while ago, He was going to train too I guess, but when he entered and saw me here he didn't even say a word to me. He just slammed the door and left." Jisung still didn't get why Hyunjin was acting this way toward Suri. No one did, but no one said anything to him after Chan tried to talk to him and he totally stormed out of the room leaving Chan behind. 

"That guy gets on my nerves seriously. Don't mind him Ri. Come with me, we're getting Ice cream."Suri smiled at the mention of Ice cream and picked her bag, but Jisung pulled it from her and took her hand and got our of the training room after closing the lights.

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