Moment of truth

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"You don't even know anything, nothing at all."

"Well guess what? I fucking know everything, and you're turning this worst than it already is."

"What?" The whole room now was looking between Minho and Suri. The guy tried to get up from his bed, but he was pushed back down by Seungmin, calmly. "What do you mean, you know everything?"

Jisung was frozen in his place too, the whole room just stood there waiting for Suri to explain anything.

"I know everything, Minho. I know."  The girl let out a sigh, as she turned to look at Minho. He didn't know what to say or do, she shouldn't have known, he should have told her. Who even told her? This is not how he wanted things to be. 


"It doesn't matter now-" 

"Suri, who told you?" Minho repeated, but in vain. The girl turned to look at the others who were still speechless, trying to understand how all of this happened. 

"You guys knew, and you didn't even think about telling me? You know why, Jisung? Because you were trying to protect him, but in the same time you act as if you know what is best for me, while in fact the best thing for me was the truth, but screw the truth, let's just make stuff worst, let's talk to JYP and try to make things worst. Don't you think? ." Suri was really calm, which surprised the boys, they were more confused now that she also knows that they talked to JYP. She was looking at each and every single on of them, angrily.

"Are you taking his side now and turning us into the bad guys?" Jisung fired back, but the look on the girl's face showed how she wasn't even near enjoying this or playing around. She has been planning for all of this for a long time, longer than they all thought.

"I'm not taking any fucking sides. Why didn't you tell me the second you found out, Jisung? All of you why didn't you tell me? I talked with each and every single on of you every single day, but no one even thought about telling me. Or giving me some hits? No you all just stayed silent, fought all the time, you all lied too. Why? because you wanted him to tell me? And when I start to get close to him, maybe then he'll tell me, all you wanted was to keep me away from him, I don't even understand you. To be honest if anyone is fucking things up, its you guys. Why didn't you do the same thing with Hyunjin, when all of this started? He made me go through hell too, you know? But what did you do then? Nothing. Minho is just the same, he made me go through hell, and each of you suddenly decided to act as if you can't just watch me go through this, and you all turn into superheros. Well guess what, you're not-" 

"Suri, We wanted to tell you, but-" 

"Yeah? But what, Chan? But you didn't. Why?" Suri looked between the boys as they just stood there, taking everything not daring to say a word. 

"You wanted him to tell me, but you didn't even help him, you scared him more. You thought that you were protecting me, but you were just hiding the truth from me more. We're all humans and we make mistakes, its how we fix them that matters, not how we make them worst." 


"Oh, and you, don't even think that I'm trying to protect you from them, Minho." Suri's eyes now was on Minho, giving him a death stare. 

"I gave you way too many chances, a lot of time, I made you feel welcomed and safe, I even tried to make you feel guilty, maybe then you'll tell me, I made sure that we were alone most of the time, maybe then you'll not feel the pressure they were giving you, but you lied. You fucking lied, not once, not twice, but billions of times, every single time I asked you, and you kept it a secret. How long were you planning to lie, Minho? Tell me, for how long were you planning to act as if you didn't do anything? And you know what? I'm not even made that you lied, I'm made that I can't believe you or trust you anymore. I can't trust my best friend anymore, I didn't even want to accept the fact that you did what you did, Its really hard for me to believe it. Is this how you say thank you for everything I ever did for you, Minho? I trusted you so much and you just throw all of that away, because you were selfish, you wanted me for yourself, you wanted happiness for yourself only, you didn't care if I was happy with Jeno or not. You were not happy, so fuck my own happiness, because you're the only person in this whole world, so everything is about you. Also you know what? I'm not supposed to care about you or worry about you, but sadly I do, because- because by the end of the day all of you are my family and I can't live knowing that one of you is away from me. Even if you hurt me and you fuck up and you don't care about my happiness as much as I care about yours, I still can't get mad you, even if I tried to, and it breaks me so much that I can't even stand up for myself. You guys all should be the one standing up for me, protecting me, just like I do to all of you, but you just hurt me, or you watch me getting hurt without doing anything. We shouldn't be hurting each other, this is not how things should go. We all should pick each other when we fall, not push each other farther down. If we just handled everything in a better way who knows what would've happened. Maybe, just maybe if you didn't do all of this Minho, me and you would've ended up together. Funny right?  And maybe if you guys just decided to be grown ups about the whole situation, talk to Minho calmly even if he doesn't deserve that, or maybe, just maybe, talk to me, explain to me what happened, warn me or anything. Anything at all, Minho would not have been in the fucking hospital, and I wouldn't have been wasting my energy and time on some kids, who can't handle anything right, who can't fix something without causing more trouble. I'm going back to the dorm. Take care of each other." 

Everyone watched the girl they all truly care about, leaving the room with tears all over her face, a broken heart, that probably will take a lot of time to be fixed, and probably will take a lot of time to trust them again.  

9th member; of Stray KidsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz