Studio talks ;P2

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A/N: Just a quick reminder, whoever is reading this, you're amazing and you're beautiful. You can be anything you want and no one can stop you from being what you want to be or who you want to be, and remember that you're loved.

'NCT's Jaemin and Jeno and Stray kids' Hyunjin and Suri to start in JTBC Drama special based on a popular webtoon'

Changbin couldn't help, but smile widely as he saw the same topic all over the news. After all his two best friends were making their acting debut. "Sung, look at this."

He watched as the other boy glanced at the phone, but quickly turned away giving him a sigh with a small nod, causing him to chuckle. "She's not getting back with him, Hannie. Trust me." Changbin turned to look at his phone, but his eyes were glancing over at Jisung watching him turn quickly in his chair to look at him.

"Bro, Why would I care. If she wants to get back with him she can. Who am I to stop her?" Changbin chuckled again, putting his phone down, then rested his arms over his knees as he look Jisung in the eye.

"So you'll be okay if her and Jeno got back together?" Jisung let out a sigh, turning away from Changbin.

"Yes, Changbin. I'm okay." Another chuckle was heard from behind Jisung, causing him to roll his eyes. "Changbin-"

"I mean you've been in love with her since you met her that day with Chan, and I remember you coming to me talking for 4 hours straight about how she's the one so, of course you do care if her and Jeno got back together."

"I'm just going to ignore you."

"Because you know that I'm right." The room was silent for a while, both of them not wanting to push this conversation farther, but something inside Jisung just made him question his thoughts out loud.

"What do you think Hyunjin feels? I mean he likes her too, and he has to be with her and Jeno all the time." Jisung turned to look at Changbin again, causing him to shake his head at him.

"Jisung, Can you be selfish for only 2 seconds? Why don't you just focus on how you feel? Did Hyunjin think about how she'd feel before dating MyunHee?-" Jisung was about to say something, but the glare Changbin sent him scared him so much that he didn't dare to say anything, until the elder was done. "And when Minho started liking her, you were the first one to know and you didn't dare to tell him that you loved her first, even though you knew her before Minho. When you heard Hyunjin talking to Seungmin about how he likes Suri, you didn't do anything about it even though you also loved her before him. When Jeno came into her life, you never dared to stop them, actually you helped him because you found out that she loved him back. Jisung this is your fucking chance and-"

"Who does she like?" Jisung finally talked, not caring about cutting Changbin off anymore. He sighed when he saw Changbin's confused face. "Who does Suri like? This is not my fucking chance, it never was me. Yes I know that I didn't face the others before, but Suri never liked me. She loved Jeno, she likes Hyunjin now-"

"Likes Hyunjin now? Excuse me, Jisung but are you blind? I'm not going to lie, yes it seemed as if she had feelings for him before, but now she doesn't. She's slowly losing interest in him, and he's not doing as much as you're-"

"Can we please stop talking about this?" Changbin rolled his eyes, mumbling about how Jisung was a big coward.

"You and her are going to end up together, and like this she's going to be the one to confess. Mark my words Jisung." Changbin didn't wait for Jisung to complain, as he already got up, leaving Jisung alone, with his thoughts.


"I'm so tired." Jaemin complained for the 3rd time in the last 5 minutes, causing Suri to let out a small giggle.

"You're a dramatic ass." Hyunjin joked, causing the other two to laugh.

"Hey guys want to go out to do something after we're done?" Jeno asked, and Jaemin groaned again complaining again about how tired he was. Before the others could answer, they heard a knock on the door, and then it was opened, revealing EunTae.

"I have a surprise for you." He smiled at both Hyunjin and Suri, moving away from the door showing Jisung, smiling widely at his members. Hyunjin and Suri ran to hug their friend, since they haven't seen him for a week or something because whenever they were home he was at the studio and whenever he was home they were filming.

The three of them had a group hug, laughing. "How have you guys been?" Hyunjin didn't want to question Jisung's nice gestures, not wanting to ruin the moment, but Hyunjin knew pretty well that Jisung wasn't here for him. The three pulled away, and the small smile Jisung sent to Suri didn't go unnoticed by Jeno. The boy kept his eye on Suri always trying to notice anything between her and Hyunjin, but all this time it wasn't Hyunjin who he should be worried about. The way looked at her reminder him of the way he looked at her, it was like those looks you only see in movies. It wasn't only that. The way Suri's eyes shined so bright the moment Jisung entered the room wasn't something normal between two friends. It wasn't Hyunjin who he should be worried about anymore.

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