"I'm lucky to have you" ;P2

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The dancing line were all together in their practice room with their new teacher, who clearly looked like he didn't want to be around them. 

Minho let out a loud sneeze causing his 3 friends to laugh at him, but soon the laughter died when their teacher sighed furiously- "Didn't I say not to get sick? Let's just get this over with." The four dancer looked at each other surprised, while Minho had a small blush on his face. 

Their teacher turned on the song and they did it perfectly, but then Minho felt a little dizzy and almost fell, but Felix caught him. "You okay there, man?" Minho nodded slowly and got back on his feet. 

"Can't you dance? Oh my! Get it right will you?" They all looked at their teacher completely shocked. Their usual teacher was way nicer and more understandable. 

"I'm sorry." Minho bowed down embarrassed  and went back to his place. The others looked at each other worried as their teacher turned on the song again. They started to dance again, and again Minho felt really dizzy. His body was tired and dancing made him even more tired. 

Their teacher stopped the song angrily and turned to Minho. "What are you doing? Don't you learn from your lesson? You always make mistakes and JYP kicked you out because of that. You shouldn't even be here; you should have stayed out of the group. Main dancer? That's funny- you can't dance to save your life. How did even BTS have you as their backup dancer? You should feel ashamed." Minho's face had an expression that the others haven't seen before. Suri's face had a weird expression too. and to say that she was mad wasn't enough for how she felt at the moment.   

"I'm sorry, I-" "Hey, why in the world are you sorry?" Suri said, cutting Minho off. The whole room turned to her. 

"Suri-" "No, Shut up." She cut him off again as she now was face to face with their so called 'teacher'. "Excuse me, but who are you?" 

Their teacher looked at her confused, but he had a stupid smirk on his face. "Sorry?" He asked her.

"Who even are you to talk to him like that? Who are you to talk to anyone like that? Do think that you know better than JYP? Or even BTS?  They saw something in that man over there, but I mean lets be real over here. How old are you again? Almost 39? And this is your first ever job as a dancing teacher right? Because you darling can not dance to save your life. I mean dance; show me what you can do. I'm pretty sure that's why you never got accepted in any job- because you don't deserve it. You judge people because they're tired and you put people down like that- I can't even believe that someone like you exist. You're just jealous of how talented he is and at how successful he is. This man over there can make dances, can dance to any kind of songs and he literally shines on stage; plus he has a big heart not like some people now days. So please leave this room and never come back. We're going to be pretty fine on our own without a teacher until or old one comes back." 

"Do you really think you can scare me like that? Little girl, you just got yourself in trouble with JYP, because I'll tell him-" 

"Tell him whatever you want. This room has cameras and those cameras pretty much were able to film you when you overworked Lee know even though he was tired and that would put you in too much trouble that may or may not stop you from working as a dancing teacher and those cameras also filmed you talking to Lee know and JYP won't like that." The guy's face turned bright red as he sighed angrily and quickly left the room. 

"I'm hungry, aren't you guys hungry?" Suri said casually as she turned around to look at the boys, who had the weirdest expression on their faces. "What?" 

"You're cool." Felix said still surprised. 

"Suri, you didn't have to do this."Minho walked over to Suri and shook his head slightly still surprised. 

"I didn't do anything, What do you mean? I'm hungry lets go get food." Suri tried to leave the room, but Minho stopped her. Felix chuckled as he pulled Hyunjin and went outside.  

"He wasn't worth all of that seriously." "You said sorry Lee know. Sorry what you stupid as-" 

"Suri-" Minho cut her off as he laughed. Suri smiled as he did and he pulled her into a hug. 

"I love you so much, Sun. I'm more than lucky to have you." Suri pulled away smiling at Minho, but all she got was a sneeze in her face. 




Suri was talking calmly with Seungmin on the living room; it was almost noon and their day went perfectly until Changbin stormed inside the dorm to his room without saying hi to anyone.

"What happened to him?" Seungmin asked confused, he bent to grab his juice cup on the table. 

"I don't know, but I'm not just going to stay here." Suri said as she took the cup before he did. 

"Hey I was about to start drinking that." Suri went to Changbin's room quickly and knocked softly on the door, but he didn't answer her so she knocked again. 

"Don't mess with me right now." Changbin growled from inside, causing Suri to move back a little from the door, but that didn't stop her from entering. She was more surprised when she saw a shirtless Changbin in front of her.  

"Did I tell you to get in?" He asked without looking over at her. 

"I got you juice." "Suri, get out." 

"You look so hot, I could cook rice on you." Changbin looked up from his phone confused, then he returned his gaze to his phone again "I'm sorry- So what's wrong?" Suri asked causally. She put the cup on the night stand beside Changbin's bed and laid down beside him. 

"Get out." "Do you know that Seungmin killed his fish when he was young and he-" 

"Suri." "Changbin." The older guy sighed as he sat straight on his bed and crossed his legs in front of him. Suri jumped and crawled to sit in front of him, coping him. 

"What happened?" "I got in a fight with Chan, are you happy?" Changbin sighed as he turned his face away from Suri's.

"Because?" "Because he's annoying." 

"Okay that's true, but I'm sure that's not why you fought." Changbin looked at Suri again for a few seconds without talking and then he nodded.

"I wrote three songs Suri; three. I don't like that, I don't like this, this doesn't go with this. Gosh he makes me mad, so mad." Suri sighed and nodded softly 

"You know Chris, he always wants everything to be perfect, and it's not like your songs weren't perfect, but he's nervous and he gets crazy when he's stupid. He'll realize what he did soon. I love your songs seriously. I really love it when you right stuff, maybe more than I like it when he writes songs, so don't put yourself down and for Chris, don't worry about it. I can kill him for you if you want, just tell me when and I can do that, MinMin can help me too. We both hate Chris anyway. How do you want us to kill him? I can buy a gun, or I can push him off a cliff if you want, and if you don't want too much blood, then I can choke him in his sleep or put poison in his food." Changbin finally laughed, causing Suri to smile brightly at him. 

"I MADE FLUFFY BALL SMILE." "Fluffy ball?" Changbin asked laughing at his friend who was now on her knees with both hands in the air. 

"Yes, because you're a fluffy ball." Changbin shook his head, still laughing. He felt his phone vibrate beside him. He picked it up and smiled as he read the message he got from Chan. 

"Chan will add the songs on our album." He smiled brightly, causing Suri to clap happily, while jumping on her knees. 

"Calm down, you stupid girl." Changbin chuckled as he put his phone on the night and grabbed the cup. "Thanks, Ri. I'm lucky to have you here to cheer me up." He smiled as he took a sip from the juice, but quickly spits it in the cup back. 

"Is this strawberry juice?" He asked angrily, but the girl was already running out of the room.

9th member; of Stray KidsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat