"I'm here with you"

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Suri x Chan

Suri was sitting on her on her own in the 3racha studio, writing, producing and training for almost 2 hours now. The boys were always more than glad to give her their studio to let her do her thing every once in a while. 

Their showcase was the next day and Suri couldn't help but feel worried. A lot of attention is going to be on her specially, which means she has to do more than her best for herself and for her group. She didn't want to let any of them down, specially Chan. After all he was the one who gave her the chance to debut and he helped her a lot since the very first day she entered JYP. He wasn't just a friend for her, Suri always thought of him as something special, way before he made her join Stray kids and she couldn't ask for a better person in her life. 

Suri started their showcase performance song over and over again, but she still felt that something was off. 

"If you're going to stay that nervous, you'll never get it right." Suri turned around quickly, to see Chan sitting on one of the chairs in his studio 

"Since when have you been here." Suri didn't notice him at all, since she was too deep in her thoughts and her singing. 

"Since you started, but seriously. Try to relax more, you're putting to much pressure on your voice and that causes the cracks and the unsteadiness. I know how nervous you are, but don't worry i'm here with you, we're all together in this. Like I said before Rian, we're one." 

"I know Chan, I just don't want to let you guys down, but still I can't help the nervousness. I'm extremely scared of failing, and you know how clumsy I-"

"You're just realising that one day before our showcase? You're just making yourself believe stuff. Yes you are nervous, we all are, but do you see one of us doing any mistakes, they happen I know and that normal, but you have to be stronger than that. Clumsiness? Its true, you're clumsy, but you're also one of the best dancers our group, you're on of the best dancer in JYP. Stop believing stupid stuff Rian. I'm here for you, we all are." Chan smiled at her, earning a small smile back from Suri.

"Thank you Chris." "You don't have to thank me, I know my girl is not that weak. So show me what you got, and now this time without any nervousness." Suri nodded happily at Chan and started the music again and this time she did her singing part perfectly 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now