Over and over again

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Suri x Hyunjin

"Guys seriously I don't know if I can do this." Minho sighed as him and the dancing line were in their practicing room, helping Minho with his new part. Chan decided to give him his part in School life, to show JYP what he can really do, but Minho was more than scared to even go on stage again. 

"Minho, you can do this okay. Have you seen yourself dancing? If you don't believe in yourself, then we do. JYP thinks you can do this, that's why he gave you and Felix a second chance. So show him the real Minho, and don't let us down. Don't let yourself down this time." Felix and Hyunjin nodded after Suri finished. Minho sighed and looked at her then at Felix.

"We can do this." Felix told him and he nodded smiling at him, earning a smile from the other three. "We can do this, but I'm hungry at the moment." Felix said and the others laughed, as he was able to bright up the mood for the first time since they came to the practice room.

"I'll go buy us something." Felix said and the others nodded. Minho got up from the floor followed by Hyunjin and Suri. Before Minho could start the song, their practicing room's door opened and Jeongin entered the room.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt you, but Chan Hyung wants to see Minho Hyung." Jeongin said, looking at Minho. The elder nodded, then looked at Hyunjin.

"Continue without me for now, I'll be right back." Hyunjin nodded, then Minho followed Jeongin outside. Hyunjin didn't say a word to Suri as he played the song and started dancing on his own. 

He was always like that; act as if there's nothing wrong when everyone is around and the second they are alone he gives her the cold shoulder and she stopped asking him for the reason a while ago. Suri started dancing on her own too, but she felt his eyes on her every few seconds. 

The song finished, and the both took a few second to catch their breathe. Hyunjin went over to the player, then looked at Suri. 

"Lets do it one more time." Suri only nodded and danced again, but after a while Hyunjin kept playing the song over and over again, not even taking a break in between. 

And every time Suri wanted to take a break, Hyunjin would yell at her to stop being lazy and she didn't want to look weak in front of him, so she pushed herself off the floor and danced again with him. 

its been almost an hour, Felix hasn't came back nor Minho. They didn't have water with them, and Suri cursed herself for not eating breakfast this morning, and it was almost 5:00PM now and her head started to hurt her. 

"Hyunjin, I really want to take a break." 

"Yeah do that and get eliminated due to your laziness." "Dude, seriously. We've done the same dance more than I can even count, I seriously can't breathe, Hyunjin. Let's at least go get water." Every word was hard to say now and she started to feel dizzy, but Hyunjin wasn't even caring about that. 

He played the song again and gave her a glare. "You better dance." 

Suri sighed and started dancing again. She didn't even make it until half of the song and she fell on her knees. 

"Get up, lazy." He groaned as he continued dancing, but he suddenly stopped when Suri fell flat on the floor with her eyes closed. "Get up, Suri. Now is not the time to play." 

No answer. "Suri?" Hyunjin walked over her slowly and called her name again and again there was no answer. 

"Shit." He fell on his knees beside her and put her head on his lap. He lightly tapped her cheeks, then put his ears close to her mouth and sighed as he heard her breathing. 

"What the heck happened?" Hyunjin looked at the door and found Felix there surprised. The food fell from his hands as he ran to Suri and did the same thing Hyunjin did with her. "Answer me Hyunjin, What happened to her." Felix was starting to get angry at Hyunjin, who started to panic. 

"We- We were dancing- She- We- Oh my gosh, this is my fault." Felix looked at Hyunjin, then at his best friend. He picked her up and carried her outside the room, leaving Hyunjin alone. He groaned angrily at himself and followed Felix.


Suri opened her eyes slowly, only to find herself in her room. "How the hell did I get here?" She asked herself and wasn't expecting any answers as she thought she was alone, but the voice beside her scared her.

"Chan Hyung carried you. Well, Felix carried you to the car, then Chan carried you to from the car to the hospital, then to the car again and then to our room." Jeongin said as he smiled at her and helped her sit up. 

"Wow, Okay. What happened anyway?" Before Jeongin could answer her, they heard a small knock and then the door opened and Hyunjin entered with a tray. Jeongin looked at him, then at Suri and then back at him and then back at Suri. 

"Should I get out?" He asked as he looked at the two.

"No." "Yes." 

Hyunjin sighed, then looked at Jeongin. "I want to talk to Suri, so get out." 

"But I don't want him to get out." Suri said, getting angry with Hyunjin. Before anyone could say anything, They heard Woojin calling Jeongin from the other room. Jeongin gave Suri a sorry look.

"I have to go." She sighed and nodded. Jeongin got up and gave Hyunjin a serious look. "Don't say anything stupid." Suri couldn't really hear what he said, but from the way Jeongin looked at Hyunjin, she knew that Hyunjin told everyone what happened in the practice room.

Hyunjin walked over to Suri slowly, with the tray in his hands. "I brought you water, here." Suri sighed as she took the water from his hand. Hyunjin could tell that she was mad at him and she had all the right to be. "I brought you food too, well Chan cooked. The doctor said you must eat." Hyunjin put the tray on her leg and sat down on the chair Jeongin was sitting on.

"Listen-" "Look, Hyunjin. I really don't want to listen to whatever you have to say. I kept saying that I was tired and you acted like it was nothing. Seriously stop giving me a hard time. I'm already going through a lot." 

"I know that. I really know. I'm sorry, and I know sorry won't change anything. I'd try my best not to give you a hard time. I also know that you won't accept this, but I really didn't want things to go this far." 

"Lets just stop, lets act a little bit mature. Is that really hard for you?" Hyunjin shook his head and Suri looked down at her tray. "I'm not asking you to like me, just lets stop fighting. I'm getting tired and you're probably getting tired too. So lets just stop." 

"I won't fight again, I promise on this. Well, not really, but I'll try my best not to make things go this far." 

"Dude, get out." 

"Hey, I said sorry." "You're literally saying you'd fight, but not get thing as far as me passing out." 

"Well, its not my problem that you didn't eat breakfast." "I can eat whatever I want and not eat whatever I want. You're the one who didn't give me any break." 

"Well, you-" 

"If you two don't stop fighting and start acting like you like each other, I'm going to put you in the same room as JYP and lock you inside for 3 days." 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now