Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV (YAY!!!!)

"Caught you!" Jeneveive exclaimed while squeezing me to death.

"Okay, okay, I give up!" I said, gasping for air. I sat up.

"You know, Jen. You could kill me with that grip of yours." I patted the top of her head. In return, she gave me a sheepish smile.

I looked around and saw that we were in a corridor which shows the beautiful forest at the back of the mansion. How far did we go? I hope we didn't go too far that we have to go outside and go back in front, that would also be kind of impossible because we are on the third floor which is the highest floor.

Anyway, I stood up and held my hand out to her. Finding our way back is gonna be a lot harder. You don't know how big this mansion is.

"We should go and find our way back." I said.

"Eh? You don' t know your way around here, Jordan?" She said raising her eyebrow.

"Well, you know how good I am at remembering things," I answered with a shrug, "You should also know this place, Jen. You've been here for six years."

"But you've been here your whole life! I'm excused too because I spent 6 years trying to remember my old house." She retorted. Hm, wait a minute, she said when we met her in the orphanage that she doesn't remember anything. Or....we've just been asking the wrong questions.

Jen hasn't told us anything she remembered about her past. Meh, she'll tell us her information someday.

"Anyway, Mom said that you need to make your choice," I said and instantly the atmosphere around Jen darkens, "Do you still want to be homeschooled or do you want to come with me to seventh grade?"


"You don't have to go with me. But it will be an experience." In truth, the school I attended was close to hell, but not exactly. People judge you by your popularity.

We walked for a long time before we saw a familiar area of the mansion.

I sneaked a glance at Jen and saw her thinking. Probably about the school thing.

"Ah!" I heard her shout out. My mind registered her actions and I held out my arms.

Luckily, my reflexes were fast and I caught her right before she face-planted on the floor.

I smiled at my twin-sister.

"You're so clumsy, Jen. What'll happen if I wasn't here anymore?"

Her face was buried in my black hoodie which matched her dark blue one. Suddenly, I felt warm drops of water coming from her face.

"Uh, Jen....?" I said, unsure of what was happening or what to do.

"Don't say that, Jordan....." I heard her muffled voice.

"What?" I still do not know what's going on......

"Don't say that! Don't say you're going to leave me!" She exclaimed, burying her face back in my hoodie as more of her tears poured out, "I've had too much of that....."


Complete shock. I've never seen her break down like this.

What did she mean, "I've had too much of that"?

I pulled her up to a standing position, and held her face in my hands. I used my thumbs to wipe away her sad tears.

"Don't worry. I'll always be with you, okay?" I smiled and placed my forehead on hers. "You wanna get some pizza?"

She pulled away and erased her tears from existence.

"Of course."

Grabbing her hand we went to get pizza.


Sup, peeps!

Yay, new chappy! And yay, it's in Jordan's POV! I made this chapter specifically so that you guys get a look at how Jordan is like. *sigh* I wish I had a twin brother. Anyway, sorry for not updating that much. Please forgive me! Thanks! (Just noticed that there is so much punctuation periods in this chapter.)



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