Chapter 6

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Jeneveive's POV

I took out the green gift and laid it beside the mask, it contained a rare white rose.

"How are you, Big Brother?" I asked. I know, I'm just talking to his dead body. But it makes me feel better, to have someone who I didn't need to hide any secrets from.

"You know, I've kept all my secrets," I reported, "I'm having lots of fun too. And don't worry, Jordan's taking care of me."

I moved so that I sat with my back against the tree.

"You're with Mom and Dad, right? I really want to meet them." It's been a while since I have thought about my real parents. "Hey, what are you doing right now?"

I stared at the sky until it transformed into a beautiful night. Being with Ben just makes me feel safe like the old times, when he was still alive. I think it's getting late now.

"I should go, it's late. Bye, Bro. I'll visit as soon as I can." I told him.

I went back to the woods and started to head home. Everything was dead silent, except for my footsteps.


..........Is that me? No, that is definitely not me. .....Then what is it?

Oh, this feels like a cliché from a horror movie. Where the main character gets followed by something in the woods and later tries to eat them.

I'm not really afraid of that something. I have my swiss army knife, and the vial for werewolves. Unless, it's a fake, and that would suck if there were actually werewolves.

Just to annoy that something trying to scare me, I walked leisurely, as if I had no worries. HAKUNA MATATA, FRIEND!!!

I smiled.

Snap! Snap!

The sound got louder, which means it's getting near me. I stopped, and tried to push my hearing to detect if there was any living thing that was following me.

It wasn't probably the best idea to close my eyes to enhance my hearing but I did. Somewhere behind me, someone or something was breathing.

That meant one thing: Run.

I ran out of the woods, faster than lightning. I'm the FLASH!! Stopping a meter away from the wood territory, I turned around and waited for that something to come out.

"Hello?" I said. Nothing. I considered going back and trying to discover what or who that is. But I realized that that was dumb. Because that's how most main characters die in a movie, following their curiosity.

I shrugged and made sure my backpack was still with me. Of course I also checked if the swiss knife was still there and it was.

Coming home was lonelier because no one else was there only me. In some ways that is bad but it's good too. Bad: No one will know if something happens to me (no witnesses). Good: I'm sure that I'm safe from kidnappers and stalkers.


Or maybe not. Why did our house have to be far away from the woods? It has it's own pathway to go to the mansion. We have no neighbors at all. It takes a 5 minute drive from the main road to the estate which is not too bad. But when you're walking it takes 15 minutes!

You might think it's good exercise, but no, it's just annoying. And then there's the actual path after the gate.

Wait a minute, no more snapping, eh? You know, what: YOLO.


I laughed to myself. Thinking that what I did was very stupid and dangerous. But who cares? You only live once after all.
Confidently, I went home.

"Jordan! I'm back!" I said. No answer. I guess he went out too. Anyway, I'm hungry now. Don't blame me! I hadn't had lunch.

I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a quick snack and wentto my room upstairs. I guess I should play video games. Marathon time!!!

Jordan's POV

It was a quiet night as I was coming back home. It was a long way since I usually sse a car when going out. Whew, my legs really need to rest! I felt like I ran around each road on the earth! I wonder if Jen's home yet. Probably, she doesn't stay out too late, especially at night.

I opened the gates and closed them quietly. Only some lights of the mansion was on. I couldn't see Jen's room since her room looks out to the garden behind the mansion.

Inside, the lights were dim. Only some lights were on too see.

Locking the door behind me, I went up to the second floor where the rooms where.
As I look at Jen's room some light was leaking out from inside. Her door opened witha creak while I opened it.

The light came from the tv where a video game was displayed. Jen was sitting in front of it. Well, she was sleeping in front of it.

Sighing, I shut the tv down. Did she try to survive a video game marathon again?

I carried her to her king-sized bed. Her body felt cold. I set the blanket on top of her, making sure that she wouldn't get cold anymore.

Smiling at her sleeping figure, I kissed her forehead.

"'Night, Jen."




D'you like this chappy? I like it! What do you think the snap! thingy is?

Hehehehe! It's so fun writing a story!!!


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