Chapter 5

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Jeneveive's POV

It started weirdly. Our birthday, I mean. First of all, exactly at 8:00 am I got the worst wake up call: an explosion.


I had to run out of my room and down the grand staircase and to the garage, where I thought the explosion came from. I was still in my plain pajamas, too.

"Mom, Dad!?!?! What's happening?" I said worriedly as I saw them. Dad sat on the driver's seat of the black Maseratti car. The whole family knew that Dad was bad at driving cars, he can't even wear a seatbelt properly! That's probably why the car exploded. And he broke down a very expensive and nice car! Wait a minute.....

Lugagge was around the car. Mom was in her white beach dress with a hat and sunglasses. Dad was in his khaki shorts and flower print shirt. Sounds like the perfect clothes for going on vacation!

"Um....Where are you going?"

Both of my adoptive parents stayed quiet. Awkward silence......

Finally, Mom spoke. "Don't worry, Jen. Your dad and I are just going on a vacation for today. Would you please be nice and call a limo for us? Oh, and don't wake up your brother."

Eh? Why would they have a vacation today? It's not like I don't want them to go and have their quality time together, it's just weird.

"Ok." I went back inside the mansion and into the guest waiting area thingy where the phone was. I called the limo (Why would they need a limo? Why not a taxi?) to pick up our parents.

Minutes later it came, and they left. Not saying anything else but a few kisses, goodbyes, and instructions. I didn't want to question them either, I'm sure they have their reasons not to tell me.

Anyway, May 20th. Our birthday, what should I do? Video games? Sleep? Pranks? No, I know. Breakfast.

When I came to the kitchen, I saw a letter for Jordan and I. It must be from Mom and Dad. They probably planned to leave unnoticed. Heh, I caught them before they even set foot out of the property!

I was opening the fridge when something else happened..


You know what? I'll just ignore that. It's probably a zombie-like Jordan trying to walk down the stairs.

Dragging the entire box of microwavable lasagna out, I decided on my plans for today. I knew that I had to go and visit him. And probably have the longest video game marathon, to beat my old record without sleeping once. Maybe I could visit a place or two. Placing 2 plates, placemats, spoons, forks, and glasses, I waited for the lasagna and for Jordan.

Oh........and it just came back to me. Jordan and I were 13 years old. And seventh grade is going to start in August (A/N I changed it to seventh grade because I think it would be better.)

Wait, no negative thoughts, please. I want to have no pressure on my shoulders today.

The annoying but satisfying ding! of the microwave crashed into my ears. Finally, the lasagna's done! Time to eat!

"......Why is it so bright...." I heard behind me. Jordan was walking towards the kitchen to where I was. His tired eyes was still unfocused and lacked his usual energy.

I handed him the letter from Mom and Dad 'cause I'm too lazy to use actual words to explain. Jordan read it. I cut a piece of the lasagna, placed it on the plate in front of me and ate.

"So they left?" He asked.

"Yeah, and before they did, I caught them. Dad broke the Maseratti." I told him, the memory fresh in my mind. Jordan groaned when he heard that a precious Maseratti car was broken. And the lasagna nearly burned my tongue too! At least I swallowed it fast.

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