Chapter 10

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Jenevieve's POV

The class would have been really boring if it wasn't for my wonderful imagination. Our teacher was basically just reciting the school rules to us. 

Eventually, it ended. 

Standing up, I stretched. The boy next to me was fixing his stuff, even though we didn't use anything today. Behind me, I spied my brother walking up to me. 

Unfortunately for him, Kate The Ugly Troll, stopped him and went on about how much she found History interesting. Pfffft, yeah, unless you're a Hetalian it is!

She dragged him out of the room to show him God knows what and probably torture him with useless information. 

I sighed heavily, if my bro couldn't handle overly-possessive girls, I wonder how he'll survive. Which makes me wonder, how did he survive the past years of school?

"Hey..." A soft voice said beside me. 

Turning around, I found that it was the anonymous friend I have. He seemed a little bit taller than I was. Seriously, he was really starting to be like Jordan. I grinned at him.

His eyes darted everywhere, just not to my face.

"My name's Alfred Kirkland."



BOOM! Brain override. Abandon system. Cause: Fan-girling. (Yes, I know, I put too much USUK stuff. Can't help it, sorry)

My face heated up with some unknown feeling, probably from fandom land. 

"Huh? Are you OK?" The boy asked, worriedly.

"Y-yeah! Sorry about that. Your name triggered a memory." I said, embarrassed. Smooth, smooth. I'm sure that this guy would think I was weird and start ignoring me. That's a real great way to make a second-impression.

"Really? It did?" He smiled warmly, his emerald orbs lighting up.

Oh my gosh. An angel is literally standing in front of me. Please tell me that that isn't just an act. I really don't want to hate someone named Alfred Kirkland.

I nodded.

"Come on. We gotta get to our next class. What's your next class anyway?" He asked.

"I have art. What about you?" 


I started to look around for my brother who was always there to navigate me. But he wasn't anywhere near. 

"Umm... Alfred? Are you new to this school this year?" I said.

"Hm? Yeah, I am." Alfred replied.

We started walking around different halls, location-less. 

"Do you know where the art room is?" Alfred asked. 

"Nope." I said, popping the "p".

"Welp, that sucks."

"Hey, don't worry. If we get lost, we get lost together!" I pumped my fist up in the air and Alfred laughed.

We smiled our way through our journey to the art room and eventually found a hurrying student and asked them for the way, which she quickly gave us. Guess she hates being late.

"Mission success, time to infiltrate the art room." Alfred whispered seriously when we found the door to said room.

"The troop is in stand by, sir. All fireguns are at ready." I saluted, smiling like an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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