Chapter 2

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Jeneveive's POV

Jordan ran in front of me. Yup, we're still chasing each other. He turned around and started running backwards, which I cannot do without tripping and hitting my head on something extremely sharp. 

Jordan's dark brown hair bounced up and down, his emerald green eyes flashing with excitement.

"You'll never catch me!" He said, and I feel like he should regret that because the next thing I did was lunge at him. 

We both fell on the floor, laughing out loud. I sighed, I rember those times when he and I would chase each other the same way and have fun. Ugh, the things I would give up just to have him back.

Oh, I remember I still have to tell you about how Jordan became my step-twin-brother. Here it is.

**Ultimate Flashback Time**

7 months after the 'incident'.

Age of the Lone Wolf and Age of the Orphaned

Jeneveive's POV

I ran around the dark alley, looking for people to steal from since I was homeless. My eyes dart around the area, I was used to the dark so I kinda had night-vision eyes. Who knows, there could be a weirdo at the corner waiting for me to come to him and he would grab my bag with all of my possesions.

And I would probably scream something along the lines of:

"Freaking Creepy Mask Salesman! No one told you to steal my stuff! Besides you already have that mask!"

And probably earn a confused look from the attacker.

Anyway, I rounded the corner, waiting for the weirdo. But nothing happened, I only came face to face with extreme brightness. Which for your information, is blinding. Right in front of me was the street I always avoid, because the rich people always come here.

You see, dark alleyways is like the sewers. One way can lead you to dreamland (YAY!!!) and the other can lead you to hell (FUDGE!). hell.

Immediately, people's attention turned towards me: a small , lonelyhomeless girl with an old over-sized shirt, ripped dark blue jacket, dirty jeans, and worn shoes. I flicked my hood up so no one will see my face. 

Walking down the sidewalk, I thought about my own family. What if my real dad didn't die? What if I wasn't born and mom stayed alive?

What if he didn't have to go through all the things he went through? I sighed really (super) heavily. 

I turned left on the corner. Gosh, there are so many corners in this world, that's why accidents happen! Curse CORNERS!!!  

Oh, guess what. This corner is the most dangerous of all, and I have proof. I bumped into a 'rich' family. This family had two complete parents, and a young boy with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes, probably my age. They stared down at me. Well, the boy stared at me since he was like an inch taller than I.

"Sorry." I muttered, not sorry at all. Wow, so much sarcasm at a young age, clap for me everybody. Clap!

They just stood there not going to move obviously. The dad smiled down at me, and squated so that he could see my face. But I just hid it with my bangs. I also gripped my dark blue bag which possessed my video games and consoles

"Hey,"He said, "What's your name?" 

Oops. Stranger Danger!!! Never give your name to strangers, especially for me because he can find out who I really am and send me back to the worst household in the world. But, this man had the aura that says: "Trust me! Give me all of your secrets!"

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