Chapter 8

770 28 13

Jeneveive's POV

Time flew by, and to my surprise, it was already nearing the new school year. So close that it's tomorrow.

I don't like it one bit.

"Jen!" Dad yelled from his study. "We wanna talk to you!"

"Coming!" I replied.

I ran toward the room and nearly slipped. Note to self: Never run on waxed floors with socks.

My fist knocked on the mahogany double doors and entered.

"You needed me, Dad?" I said, noticing Mom was in there too. Ugh, this is gonna be something serious.

"This is about school." Dad said.

"We want you to know that sometimes school is going to be hard," Mom spoke, "And that whatever problems you have in there, know that we are always there to help you."

Now she makes it sound as if school is really going to be hell.

"Ok. Thanks for letting me know." I replied with a smile.

Why did they have to say that on the day before school starts? I feel like they're scaring me from going to school. Or maybe it's just their protective side taking over.

I started out to my room when Mom said something horrifying.

"Oh, and Jen? I'm going to be the one who's going to dress you up tomorrow."

Looking at Mom, I was going to argue. But her eyes told me she has made up her mind.

I was now more curious about school, so I went to ask Jordan, who was in his room being lazy.

"Hey, bro." I greeted.

I was surprised to see that he was reading a book, instead of just laying around. He also had his glasses on. And he rarely uses them anyway.

"What's up?" Jordan said casually.

"Give me a heads up for tomorrow." I said.

Jordan agreed and put his book down. He then went on explaining me the routines and rules of the school, plus some extra information on which hallways to avoid since there was trouble going on in that location everday.

He also told me that Mom and Dad asked that we both have the same schedules. Unlike other parents with twins who seperate them because they want them to "socialize" more, our parents don't, then again, Jordan and I aren't really real twins.

But I wish that we were blood twins.

In a few moments, Jordan finished.

"Thanks. I really needed it. I'm feeling more confident too." Smiling at him, I went back to my room and he went back to his reading.

Oh, I do hope tomorrow goes well.


First day of school. First day of freaking going to school.

Go ahead, laugh all you want at a 13 year old who has never attended a school nor has stepped in one ever before.

"You 'kay?" Dad asked as I entered the dining hall to eat breakfast with my family.

Yawning, I nodded and took a seat.

The scrambled eggs and bacon waited for me to devour them. I'm sorry food, but I need you to survive!

After the killing the already dead food, I was dragged by Mom to her so called Make-Up Room. I've never been in there before but I don't like it either, too much make-up things live in there.

She gave me an innocent looking, blue sleeveless blouse which flowed behind me when I walk around. Dark jeans accompanied my top. Mom added a darker-shade-of-blue cardigan.

"It matches your eyes." She says.

She left my hair untouched, which I am glad she did. I like my braids, and she knew. So, no touchey!!!

She prep-talked me on how to deal with girls who judged my looks.

Mom looked at my reflection at the mirror.

"I bet your real mom looked gorgeous. Aw, I feel jealous now! But I'm proud of you, you know. You are a Bloodlore, so don't fall beneath the feet of the evil in this world. Ok, Jen?"

Uhhhh, weird, Mom. Really weird.

"Of course, Mom. Thanks." I hugged her tightly, and we walked outside.

Jordan was still reading his book from yesterday, while leaning against his red Ferrari.

"Take care of him. And yourself, too." Mom whispered these words in my ear, and she let me go to him while she stood in front of the entrance.

You may be wondering where the garage is. It's behind the mansion, Jordan just drove the car near the front so we wouldn't have to walk all the way to the back. Don't worry, it didn't just suddenly appear.

"Ready?" He asked as he looked at me. "Mom chose your clothes?" He inquired again, raising his eyebrow. Playfully, I punched his shoulder.

"No judgey!"

We got into the car. Me riding
shotgun, while Jordan sat on the driver's seat.

Yup, Jordan can drive. Better than Dad, too. And no, the age for driving didn't drop down. Being a Bloodlore, Jordan got an advantage, so he got his driver's license.

I can drive. I know how to, but I don't have a license yet. So, yeah.

As we drove towards the gates, Mom waved goodbye and the gates automatically opened.

Now, even though I'm not showing it, I'm about to explode from nervousness.


Sup, peeps

\(〇O〇)/ Chappy 8, woooooooooooooooo! We need to celebrate. Jk (Rowling). Crazy thing that 13 year old Jordan is allowed to drive legally, right?

You think Jen's gonna get in trouble in school? (I have gotten in trouble in school for talking too much to my friends. Teachers get mad at me.)

(' - ' )



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