Chapter 1

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Jeneveive's POV

My life is horrible! Every single thing that happened in my life I hate, well, except for one thing. Him. But he's dead, so no point on wishing he was hear because I witnessed it. With my own eyes. 0-0

Anyway, I am Jeneveive. I have blue eyes, blonde hair with full bangs covering my forehead and my hair is always in two braids which rest on my shoulders. I'm kinda skinny, considering the fact that I eat a lot when playing video games. 

"Jeneveive!!! What have you done to my room!?!" My step-twin-brother, Jordan, shouted. Hehe. He deserved that prank. And yes, I have a step-brother. I'll tell you why some other time.

Jordan came stomping into my room with the big and beautiful poster I made with the words: "You shouldn't have done that...". 

"Why did you do that?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Revenge, bro, revenge." I answered cooly. He plopped next to me on my bed, grabbed my laptop and did random things only boys would do.

I stared at him, realizing what he had just done, and he stared back, grinning. Uh uh, he did not just do what I think he just did.

"Jordan...." I said, I was now having a hard time breathing. He slammed my laptop shut and raced out the door. One thing you should know about me is that I am a technology lover. Which means I almost own all the gaming consoles and from all brands. 

And that was before I got adopted.

 I raced after him like a small kid racing after a lollipop, which is fast. You don't know how far a kid could get just to have candy.

We ran around the mansion, yup, a mansion. You see the people who adopted me is a rich family. Their last name, which is "Bloodlore", is widely known around the area. And no one would like to get on the bad side of any Bloodlore.

Jordan once told me that his grandfather started the large company that his family owns, and his grandfather had a friend who was also rich but not as rich as him. The 'friend' became jealous and tried to kill his grandfather and of course he failed. The whole family got revenge on the man's family. 

How? I don't know, Jordan told me it was the family secret. He didn't even tell me what they did as revenge on the other family.

Sometimes, I wonder why they even adopted me. I mean, they have Jordan. Why do they need to adopt another child? I wish I had the answers.

Secrets, secrets, secrets. Everybody has them. No one in the world has no secrets. Even the sweetest of people.

Basically, my life goes like this: Age of Torture, Age of the Lone Wolf, Age of the Orphaned, Age of a New Life, and Age of the Other Half. (This 'Age' does not mean I am old, it just sounds cool. Geez, I'm just 12!)

Oh, and don't worry. This time you'll get the answers.


Hi, peeps!

This is TheLittleOlympian, TLO for short. This is my first story (kind of) and I already am starting to love it. This story will probably get a slow update (For my own reasons....). So, tell me if you like the first few parts of this story. (For those who want to, please give me feedback!!! PLES?!?!) Disclaimer: For all those things that have their own owners: sorry if I used any of your property, please know that I do not own it.

Book cover originally made by: Funny Mama (He/she makes really cool art!!!)



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