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After school, Alondra went out to the field to find the cheer coach.   Some of the football guys and cheerleaders were already there, but the actual cheer coach stuck out with her yoga pants and hat.  Alondra approached her and sparked up the possibility of getting on the team.  "A new girl?  And you're from the same school as Spencer James?  If you're as good at cheerleading as he is at football, you're definitely on the team.  What spots do you do?"

"Base and tumbling.  I can also hold up one flyer by myself, but I usually don't."

"Oh, so you're strong.  You know what?  Why don't you get changed and you can join some of routines.  If I like you, we'll teach you the chants, but I want to see your tumbling."

Alondra nodded with a smile and started walking backwards.  "I only need 5 minutes."  She promised.  Honestly, the cheer coach was doubting her because usually the cheerleaders took like 30 minutes, because of how much they talked while changing, but she didn't say anything. 

Like she said, Alondra was back in five minutes with more comfortable clothes and her hair in a ponytail. When she walked out, the rest of the cheer team looked her way and then back to the cheer coach. "Ladies, this is Alondra. She's from Crenshaw and we're going to see if she makes the team today."

"I thought we had enough people already?"

"We always have room. After warm ups, we can see how you fit in with the tumblers." 

Alondra nodded with a smile and while the coach walked over to where the water station was, the one girl who was talking was glaring at her.  "You got a problem with your face or something?"

"As team captain, we don't need anymore girls on the team."

"As Alondra Cisneros, I don't give a fuck.  And judging by the fact that Beverly Eagles haven't been to a competition in decades, I think you do."  Alondra smiled sweetly and walked away to her backpack on the bench.  Jordan and Spencer were standing there talking, warming up and waiting for the rest of the team.  "Sometimes I think strangling a person should be legal."

At such words, Jordan looked to Spencer and Spencer looked to Alondra.  "It's been 5 minutes, Alo."

"5 minutes too long.  Little miss cheer captain is trying to get rid of me and I haven't even introduced myself yet."

Jordan stopped moving around and focused all his attention on Alondra as he spoke.  "To be fair, she could be threatened.  Our cheer team doesn't do nearly as much as Crenshaw does.  Like you guys had stomp routines, a lot of throwing people, coordinated backflips and chants.  Our girls just stand in a straight line waving a pom pom in the air and do one toss."

"Plus you're like the only latina girl."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Spencer sent her a pointed look and then shook his head.  "That you're crazy as hell.  You broke your ex-boyfriend's knee with a brick and then broke his windshield."

In pure shock, Jordan looked between the two, and Alondra looked completely unfazed.  "That wasn't even my fault.  I was aiming for his windows, but it was dark and he got in the way."  The three heard a whistle blow and looked around.  Billy was looking at a clipboard, but the cheer coach was having the girls gather.  "Well, good talk."

Spencer and Jordan watched her walk away, then Jordan looked at Spencer.  "Is that what you meant when you said to not end up like her ex?"

"Yeah, but to be fair, he stole like $2,000 from her and cheated on her with another cheerleader."

× × ×

"I didn't fight anyone, so that should be all that matters.  And where are we going?"

"First of all, you talk to much.  And there's a hang out spot where we eat and play pool."  Spencer said.

Alondra was going to protest because she was tired from the cheer practice, which went better than she thought, but then she leaned forward between Jordan and Spencer.  "Do they sell nachos?"  Rather than getting an answer, she was ignored as they pulled up in front of what looked like a bougie café. 

The three got out of Jordan's red mustang and went inside to the front counter to order food.  The first thing Alondra noticed when she walked in was that the back had a pool table and about half of the football team was either playing or sitting around and eating.  Most of the occupants were people from school, and the only reason she knew that was because they all had laptops out and backpacks full of binders and notebooks.

When they were walking to the pool table, Alondta noticed that even Madison was there with like 3 other people. Madison was staring at the group Alondra was with up until Alondra looked her way.  "So, did you like your first day at Beverly?"

At the question, Jordan leaned back against the table Alondra was sitting at.  "It's a lot more funded than Crenshaw, but when I told some girl I was Mexican, she asked me if I liked Taco Bell or Chipotle more."  Alondra shrugged.  "And I'm this close to ripping the extensions out of the cheerleaders' scalps."  Alondra held her index and thumb apart as little as she possibly could without them touching.

"How do you know they were extensions?"

"She didn't place them right. Embarrassing."  Alondra shook her head.  "How long until they're done playing?"

Looking over to the group currently playing pool, Jordan shrugged. "I'd say 10 minutes, then we'll go and I'll teach you how to play."

Alondra put a finger up and stopped Jordan from talking. "That's where you're wrong, because I already know how to play."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and still teach you."

One of the waiters came over with a tray full of their food and drinks and set them on the table before leaving.  "You just want to be close to me, Baker.  Don't lie."  Alondra looked Jordan up and down with squinted eyes as and put one of her loaded nachos in her mouth. 

"I cannot confirm or deny that."

im debating if alondra should have beef with madison AND rachel, or just rachel 🙄 like idk how much drama i want bc it could either not being a big part of the story or take too much of the story

im debating if alondra should have beef with madison AND rachel, or just rachel 🙄 like idk how much drama i want bc it could either not being a big part of the story or take too much of the story

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